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Randhir a biggest businessman in Delhi had lost his parents in an accident when he was at abroad for studying. It was the biggest loss of his lifetime, soon he completed his higher studies took over his father's company (which was functioning under the board members) promising to take the company to the heights.

Indeed, he did! Now in the whole of Asia it is the no.1 company in the field of engineering. Girls die for his attention but, never looked at their side as he found it waste of time. He is a man of words, whatever he desire and wish to have...he had it. But, except one thing that is his love. And, now he is in the mission of getting that.

He loves a girl so much, just seeing her at the first sight. He has seen her in one of the institute where he went to attend a seminar. For the first time in his whole life, he has been distracted by a mere girl's smile and her charm. The next minute he ordered his source to get information about her.

Now, he is waiting in his cabin for his friend (General Manager of his company, also PA of him) for the information he had asked to get about her.

Just then the door clicked to reveal a man in his late twenties in the name of his best friend screamed "you wanted me to get information about this girl...seriously this girl Randhir?"

Randhir who was lost in the world of thinking about his love took aback hearing the loud scream.

Randhir "What happened to you Parth? Why are you screaming like this?" asked.

Parth took the picture from the file he was holding and showed it to him "Are you sure? This is the girl you love?" asked.

Randhir "Yes" Parth just stared at him blankly

Randhir "Parth first, tell me what is wrong?" Said looking at his expression and he knows Parth is acting like this then, there is something else big behind this.

Parth "This is my sister-in-law, Randhir" said.

Randhir "What?" asked with his eyes widened with the revelation.

Parth nodded his head and walking to the private adjacent room of Randhir's, where Randhir followed him.

They both are really very good friends since childhood and never hide anything from each other. And, this girl fiasco came as a shock to Randhir that she is Parth sister-in law and to Parth his sister-in law is the love of his friend Randhir.

Parth extended the file to him and signaled him to read.

Randhir took the file and saw a big picture of his love wearing a purple Kurti and white long.

He smiled seeing it, then turned to the next page it had the information of hers:-

1) Name: Sanyukta Agarwal.

2) Age: 20 years old.

3) Studied at FR international private school, Delhi (completed 12th).

4) Studying in FR institute, Delhi, (3rd year MBA student).

5) Hobbies: Singing and Dancing.

6) Parents: DIED

Randhir: "Died?" asked looking at Parth.

Parth just nodded his head and said: she is an orphan Randhir.

Randhir "Her parents are no more? But you said she is your Sister in law"

Parth "Vidushi's parents are her fosters. Her dad divorced her mom when Sanyukta was 2 years old and her mother died when she was 10 years old due to cancer and it is also said that her father died in an accident after a year" said Parth thinking about Sanyukta.

Randhir gone blank for a second thinking what his love has gone through at such young age it pierced his heart.

Parth continued "She is living with Vidushi's parents who treat her like a servant"

Randhir closed the file with a loud bang "Tell me everything now Parth" said with slight anger hearing that sentence from Parth.

Parth nodded "Randhir... Sanyukta is really a sweet and bubbly girl and everyone knows her, as a girl who likes to spread happiness everywhere she is in... In fact she is but at home no sorry it is a jail for her. She is been tortured day and night by Vidushi's parents since her mom's demise" said sadly.

Randhir "If they don't like her in the first place why did they accept to be her fosters they would have sent her to an orphanage or someplace where she could be happy rather than torturing her like this" pointed out.

Parth "They can't do that... because the luxurious life they are living is because of Sanyukta's share which was named on her after her mom's demise" said.

Randhir "Selfish people at least they can treat her properly for this reason" said.

Parth "I don't know about that part Randhir. Vidushi told me all these things how her parents torture Sanyukta from learning, speaking with someone casually and many other simple things. Leave all that they don't even let her wear the dress of her wish" said.

Randhir "Vidushi told you all these?" asked.

Parth " Vidushi told me all these when her mom slapped her in front of me for pouring water on her by mistake" said the gruesome experience he saw.

Just then the room door knob clicked revealing a girl in her formals entered crying.

Parth rushed to her calling "Vidushi" and there, it was his wife entered.

She hugged him tightly and sobbed "San....yu...ktaa"

Parth couldn't understand what she is saying but, Randhir did "Sanyukta"

Parth pulled back from the hug and asked "What happen?"

Vidushi "San....yu...ktaa fell from the stairs and is in the hospital " said crying more.

Parth and Randhir ebbed in shock "What?"

Vidushi "Servant called me and informed" said.


Vidushi "city hospital"

Before them he went out grabbing his car keys followed by Vidushi and Parth.

To be continued...




If you guys have any kind of question or doubts regarding any situations or characters of the story please leave it on comment box and I will clear it for you all! :)


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