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Randhir stopped the car and opened the door for Sanyukta to their favorite spot 'The cliff'.

Sanyukta came out sticking her eyes to the ground. Randhir sighing held her hand and walked to the front of the car.

Randhir "Sanyukta...look at me" called slowly to get her attention.

Sanyukta stayed still and nodded her head in denial. Randhir holding her waist and made her sit on the bonnet making her equal to his standing his quiet.

Sanyukta gasped at the sudden moment, Randhir held her chin and mad her directly look into his eyes, a lone tear roll down her eyes.

Randhir wiped them the next moment "No...Sanyukta don't...please" said.

Sanyukta "I am sorry Randhir... It was all because of have got to go through all these...all these knife, guns and blood. All of these was because of me... you were living your peaceful life without any hindrance...but from the day you met me, your forced to meet all these craps...first it was with my fosters family then it was my real family. If...If I never came in your life...this would never happen to you, you never get these scars (touched his knife scar on his left shoulder) and then this bandage (touched his head) it was all because of me" said as she broke into tears.

Randhir denied "No is not like that at all...Why are you thinking as such" said as he wiped her uncontrollable tears.

Sanyukta "I am thinking such because it is all because of had to go through this pain...and I am guilty for all that...If I am being with will cause more pain to you...I shouldn't be with you and I should go away from you" said as she felt her heart broke into pieces. Staying away from him is impossible for her...but it is for her love's happiness. And, she would do anything for that.

Randhir "No way, you shouldn't be guilty for all these things and how could you even think of leaving way in the hell your leaving me Sanyukta" said angrily gripping her wrist.

Sanyukta flinched as the sharp pain shoot on her wrist. Randhir realized and apologized ", I am sorry" said as he quickly kissed her wrists in a soothing manner.

Sanyukta looked at him with pain and love for him.

Randhir "No Sanyukta you can't leave me...there is no way in the hell...If you think of such...I swear to lord I will...I will chain you up" said possessively shocking him.

Sanyukta's eyes widened with the choice of his words...this is the first time she is facing a possessive Randhir.

Randhir "Sanyukta... listen to me carefully... I am never leaving neither you are leaving me...Do you understand? I...I won't be able to live without you" said the last sentence distraught with the words of her leaving him.

Randhir "You are everything I is you and only you. There is no way I will be able to live without you...after mom and dad this is the first time I love and care for someone. The very first time I wanted to share my life with is only you. To have you beside me, I am ready to do anything even if I have to kill someone for it...and this scars and bandage will fade away by time but my love for you will increase everyday... please...don't feel guilty for all these...please and don't leave me please...I will die" said feeling vulnerable.

Sanyukta's mind registered each and every word he spoke; her heart throbbed in pain seeing him this vulnerable because of her.

Sanyukta touched his cheeks and made him look at her; she could see his eyes tearing up. She pulled him through his white shirts' collar "Randhir Singh Shekhawat Don't you dare to think about death...If you die then who will love me...who will care for me...who will protect me from danger" asked shaking him.

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