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Randhir "She was my friend's sister" said slowly.

Sanyukta looked at him "If you don't want to talk... then, we don't need to" said holding his hand.

Randhir "No, let me talk about this...this is something I have never spoke to anybody and as my wife you should know about this" said as he took her hand in his.

Sanyukta held him back "Go ahead" said.

Randhir "Naina, Naina Malhotra was a woman with everything fame, money and looks. She was senior to me though she was the same age as me. When mom and dad passed away, I was in my second year of my MBA and I wasn't a socializing person so nobody knows me as a billionaire couple's son. Many times, I noticed her trying to get my attention but I never responded.

That time we had a mishap between junior's and senior's for the time in the college history. A huge blow to the reputation of the college, to rectify it the dean ordered us to take equal participation in throwing a party for the reunion of previous batch. A perfect opportunity for Naina to come close to me, I always wanted keep things professional but she tried to cross that line many times and I warned her to stay away from me.

When one day she stumbled and was about to fell down, I held her from falling. By that moment, it looked like I kissed her and soon rumors spread. Her brother Arum was my friend and then when he got to know this he strangled me telling that I tried to use his sister for fame and craps. And, the shocking thing was Naina didn't correct him or others also making a lie of me trying to take advantage of her all the time. Everyone blamed me for trapping her. And then, It became a big issue that her father, the trustee of the college asked dean to dismiss me and make sure I don't get anywhere admission and job, not knowing who am I.

Now Parth came into the picture, he pulled some strings and showed the footage to everyone proving me as innocent and showing who I am to the world removing all those allegations. Soon college got over and took over the company to new heights. After two years, Naina came back in my life with a motive to revenge me with a façade of poor girl who has been disowned by her father for the stunt she pulled.

Months passed,

Me, Naina, Parth and Vidushi grew as thick friends and shared many things. Even, Vidushi thought I was going to end up with her. But, the fate was something else... one day we four went to a meeting and ended up in a hotel for the night. There came the twist, Naina sedated me with a injection removing almost all the clothes of me so that she could say that I did force her for something that she wasn't willing to do with me to her father.

And, here again Parth barged inside the room when this was happening. He confronted, yelled, asked and screamed for her this deceive but she just ended up revealing her true motive to prove me guilty in front of the world and her family.

That was the last day we all saw her. Vidushi called her brother Arum and informing all these nonsense. He apologized for her behavior and he and his father made her living impossible but she thought I was the one who was doing that for her so she came here to revenge me by killing you and taking your place. Many things happened then I met you and you know the thing happened after that" said.

Sanyukta looked at him and kissed his cheeks "You miss her right?" asked.

Randhir looked at her and nodded his head "Though she was acting to be good...sometime she was a good friend" said sadly thinking about those memories.

Sanyukta kissed his cheek and said "It is okay!"

Randhir "You don't have problem with these right?" asked uncomfortable.

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