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Randhir and Parth left the hospital went to detective office and met Rehan.

Rehan "Welcome back, Randhir... how is my sister?" asked smirking.

Randhir went punched him and held his collar "Why? Rehan...why are you doing this to her...why...what harm did she do to you... that you are doing this to her damn it?" asked.

Rehan "You want to know why? Why I am doing this to her? Because of her I went to jail... because of her I lost my father for 12 years... because of her I had to stay away from him... because of her I missed my dad... because of her I and my father had to endure pain" screamed making them all flinch.

Randhir "Then, What about her Rehan... she was a kid when your father kidnapped her and kept as hostile for 3 years damn it, for freaking 3 years... she had lost her mother because of your father, because of you and your father she was forced to live with her foster parents who treated her like a trash... it is because of you people that she is sighting against death" screamed back.

Rehan went silent hearing his outburst but "She deserves them damn it... here I was sad that I couldn't torture her more but nonetheless she was tortured in this was way... that is such a pleasure to hear Randhir" said smiling.

Randhir looked at him in disgust and Rehan "For god damn sake why don't you understand she truly deserves them all for mine and my dad's misery" said to earn a punch from him.

Randhir "You are disgusting scum bag, you really can't understand your mistakes and regret rather talking nonsense that you did this for you and your dad?" asked.

Rehan was about to retort back suddenly Randhir smirked "You did this for your dad isn't? Because you love your dad doesn't you Rehan?" asked.

Rehan "I love my dad Randhir more than anything in this world" said.

Randhir "Then it will be fun to see your dad dying in 24 hours right?" asked.

Rehan widened his eyes "No Randhir... you are not going to do that" said.

Randhir "Wait... I think it will be more fun when he dies in pain in front of you right?" asked as he walked out and came in with Raj and an injection with blue fluid.

Rehan's eyes widened in shock as he walked forward to stop him but Parth and another detective held him tight from not going forward.

Rehan's screamed "'t"

Randhir slowly injected the poison over Raj's hand and left him "Here you go Rehan see your dad's death" said and left him to cough.

Randhir signaled Parth and detective leave him as Rehan ran to his dad "Dad...dads... look at me... nothing will happen to you... I will get you alright" said as he held his dad who coughed more and more.

Rehan looked here and there to search something and found the shiny thing over the detective's pants pocket.

He rushed up and ran over to the detective and pulled the shiny thing revealing it to be knife. The men's were about push him off but stopped Rehan slitting his pants ends.

Randhir looked eagerly and found him taking a small bottle of medicine (antidote) from there. Before he rushed up to his coughing dad Randhir pulled the antidote away from his hand.

Rehan looked terrified and wiggled up to snatch back bur Randhir moved ever so quickly "Is this is the antidote Rehan?" asked.

Rehan "Yes, give that to me... I need to save my dad" said.

Randhir "I won't give you since it is not needed" said.

Rehan "What... are you mad? He will die if I don't give this" asked.

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