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Next day,

Around 12 o clock,

In the hospital,

As doctor injected an injection on Sanyukta's arm, she said "you may take her home now" looking at Randhir standing beside them.

Randhir "Thank you doctor"

Doctor walked out leaving the duo alone.

Randhir sat on her side and cupped her cheeks "You okay Sanyukta?" asked.

Sanyukta nodded "Randhir can I ask you something?" asked slowly.

Randhir "Of course, you can ask me anything" said cheerfully.

Sanyukta smiled weakly seeing his cheerful face "Can you take me to the cliff where it was full of greenery?" asked thinking about their 'Challenge and Romance'.

Randhir thought for a second and agreed "Okay, on one condition you have to take your medicines and sleep without any dramas! Then, only I will take you to the cliff" said a bit sternly thinking about Sanyukta's drama in the morning for not taking the medicines as it was bitter.

Sanyukta nodded her head like 5 year old kid.

Randhir smiled at her cuteness and kissed her left cheek and turned kiss her right check but just then,

Vidushi entered with Sanyukta's casuals bags in all hurry burry just to see Randhir's lips on Sanyukta's cheeks, she bit her tongue and cursed under her breath "Idiot, again you disturbed them"

Randhir got up and snatched the bags from her "just wait, I will do the same thing when you both are making out in office cabin" said making Vidushi's eyes widened.

Sanyukta laughed hearing that but suddenly she moaned in pain "Ahh"

Both of them rushed to her asked "What happened?"

Sanyukta looked at them and said "Nothing big, I laughed suddenly and moved my right hand reflexively so my waist hurt me"

Randhir looked at her and Vidushi said "I will get the car ready!"

As sun went to its home and moon came for its job.

At 8 o clock in the night,

In the greenery cliff area,

Randhir made Sanyukta sit on the bonnet and climbed in wrapping his hand over her shoulder and she looked down.

Sanyukta "Randhir, I remember everything!" said shocking him.

Randhir "What, You remember everything?" asked.

Sanyukta nodded her head and said "Yes, I remember everything, all those years of torture"

Sanyukta "They will come back and take me from here and whip me like before, and then tie me with those iron chains" said bearthing heavy.

Randhir pulled her chin up to see her eyes with full of fear and tears. And, that moment he realized she was shivering even as she is been wrapped with a heavy shawl.

Randhir pulled her more into him and wiped her tears "Sanyukta, calm down...they won't do any such...this I am here... I will not let them near you at all than they taking never be possible...before they do anything to you they have to face me first...please don't cry...please" consoled her but she sobbed more as those memories were back and torturing her more.

Sanyukta "' are dangerous...they mom two times" said sobbing heavily "I controlled myself...from...not bothering on...them...till n...Ow... but if...they take from her...e...from you".

Randhir "No baby...they won't take you from will be always with me...I will take care of will be with me only and only me just calm down" said caressing her back.

Sanyukta sobbed got low and she just pulled Randhir more gripped him with fear of someone taking her from him.

As minutes passed Randhir felt her weight completely on her and he realized that she slept.

Randhir closed his eyes to calm himself from going and killing those bastards with bare hands for now. Slowly getting up from the bonnet along sleeping Sanyukta and place her on the backseat slowly, suddenly she moaned "Ahh" in her sleep as her bandaged waist touched the rough seat.

Randhir closed the door behind him and his phone rang with caller id 'Detective'.

He picked his phone and said "Did you find them or not?" came his direct question.

Detective "Yes, sir...they both are together now and moved in to a new motel in Delhi highway with local don Joseph and his gang"

Randhir "hmm...anything else you found about them like what are they planning and all?"

Detective "No sir...not yet" said slowly as he knows what is going to come from Randhir.

Randhir "If I here this same answer from you next time, either you resign the job or I will resign you from this world" said in most dangerous voice.

Detective gulped loudly and said "Yes sir"

Randhir "I don't know what you will do but I want one of our men in their gang in 48 hours...otherwise (A sweat beads started poor on detective's face) you know the drill" warned and cut the phone.

Driving the car,

Randhir thought "According to the reports; it was Rehan who lively telecasted the things happening in our lives freely without any hindrance. But, now everything is guarded so it will be very hard for them to near us. Unless, someone within us helping them to know about the happening and I strongly feel someone is there but, who is it?"

Rehan pushed her on the bed and got on top of her kissing her wildly.

She pushed him getting on top of him sitting on his stomach while breaking the kiss, she tore his shirt in one go and said "I missed you my bastard"

Grinning at her, he tore her top and pulled her to him and said "I missed you too my bitch"

As he take her for three times and both collapsed on the bed with no energy.

Rehan asked "What are they Planning next?"

Girl "Engagement in FR party hall" said hugging him.

Rehan "Then our plan will also start in FR party hall" said getting on top of her for another round.

Girl giggled and said "Just planning to destroy her gave you energy ha?" asked playfully.

Rehan "Oh yes, as if you won't get it?" asked kissing her neck.

Girl "Of course, I will get energy after all I will get Randhir after her destruction"

Rehan stopped and looked at her and said "You truly are a bitch"

Girl laughed and said "I better continue now otherwise I am not going to tell what they are planning behind you"

Rehan "Oops sorry and but one thing is for sure it is going to be as fun as now when I am destructing her...Get ready Sanyukta for the next torture" said in joy and continued his job with that girl.

To be continued...


Who is the black sheep?




If you guys have any kind of question or doubts regarding any situations or characters of the story please leave it on comment box and I will clear it for you all! :)


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