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The next two weeks passed in a hurry as Sanyukta got busy in her exams, whereas Randhir had travelled to USA for his important deal.

Sanyukta sat on her favorite place in Kashyap mansion that is the beautiful garden with a cup of coffee as finally her exams got over therefore four weeks of vacation and then internship in Randhir industries.

Sanyukta's thoughts "Finally, exams are over! And an awesome vacation that I could enjoy to my fullest and I have decided that I am not going to Vidushi's parent's house, after what happened in the past weeks has shattered the respect that I had for them. But, the problem is that I can't stay in Vidushi's house for long at the same time I can't live independently because when I have spoke about this matter to Vidushi she has screamed the hell telling that she is not going to allow for this idea"

Sanyukta sighed in disappointment and sipped her coffee as then her attention caught on the bracelet that she is wearing and a small shy smile covered her lips then the memories of that day rushed in.


2 weeks before,

After seeing the whole rose collection Randhir and Sanyukta sat back on the car with full of new energy and a hope that this will be the best start of their relationship.

After a drive of five minutes Randhir pulled his car in front of a Roadside tea shop.

Sanyukta looked at him confused "What happen? Why did you stop the car here?"

Randhir "Just a moment!" and he pressed the horn of the car to get the attention of the man who must be in his late 40s in the tea shop.

Man "Randhir beta (son), how are you?"

Randhir "I am fine Ramu uncle. How are you?"

Ramu "I am fine! And... who is she?" said looking at Sanyukta who was more confused.

Randhir "Oh...Meet Sanyukta! She is (looking in her eyes) my soon to be wife"

Sanyukta widened her eyes in shock to hear those words from him which send a chill down her spine but recovered soon and joined her hands "Namaste Ramu uncle!" greeted him politely in one of the traditional Indian manner.

Ramu "Namaste!" greeted her back.

Randhir "Ramu uncle give us your special tea and butter biscuit."

Ramu "Okay! Just two minutes" left inside his shop.

Sanyukta "You seem to know him very well?"

Randhir "I know him very well since my childhood. Me and Dad used to drop here for the tea whenever we are free" said in sad tone as he remembered the time with his dad.

Sanyukta could feel the sadness in his voice; she took his hand and entwined her hands giving her assuring smile to feel him relaxed.

Randhir smiled seeing this cute gesture of hers and kissed her hand.

Just then a knock came on his window so he slid it to find one of the worker with the tea and biscuits.

After having them, they left to Kashyap mansion which was two hour drive.

At 8 pm,

Randhir parked his car on the driveway of Kashyap mansion and came out of the car and so did Sanyukta.

Randhir "Bye!"

Sanyukta "Bye!" said walking three step ahead towards the door but stopped.

Turning back, she saw Randhir had leaned on the car bonnet to see her entering the house safely. But, seeing her turning back he straightened himself "You okay Sanyukta?" asked concerned.

In a second, she ran and hugged himself tightly burying her face in his chest.

For a second, he was startled by the sudden contact but, he smiled and reciprocated the hug by wounding his hand over his waist tightening the hug more. He kissed her hair inhaling her fragrance and Sanyukta slowly looked up to see his adorable smile still being in his arms.

She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek and mouthed "Thank you" just to run inside the house not turning back again to see a open mouthed Randhir standing touching his cheek where she kissed.

"Flies will enter your mouth Randhir, if you don't close it!" A couple voice boomed breaking his reverie.

Randhir closed his mouth and looked to find Parth and Vidushi standing in their room balcony holding each other protectively by their waist.

Vidushi "Gosh! Randhir there is a pink shade on your cheek" teased.

Parth "Randhir? When did you start using girls make up?" teased him more.

Randhir just scurried away from that place with a shy smile not able to take the teasing by this couple.

Seeing this, couple laughed out loud.


Sanyukta kissed her bracelet thinking about Randhir, Just then a hand touched her shoulder she turned to see Vidushi and she gestured her to sit next to her.

Vidushi sat next to her and took her hand in hers "Do you trust me?" asked in a serious tone.

Sanyukta stared at Vidushi for a while "Yes of course. But, what happened?" asked concerned seeing Vidushi serious face which always glows with happiness.

Vidushi "Sanyukta Can you marry Randhir in two weeks?" asked




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