Chapter Eleven

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     Why would someone be in the water? Why would they want to save me? I kept thinking about what was happening, but continuously drew a blank. I thought maybe the person in there with me didn't even know I was beneath the water. Maybe they'd get out soon and leave me there to die. The thought of that happening made me eager. I wanted to know what was going to happen, and sure enough, someone had their arms around me... Guess who?.. Dimitri. 

     I felt his arms grab me and I cradled myself into his body. I knew that I wanted to drowned, that I wanted to die there in the water, but I found comfort in him. Was he stupid to save me? Was he trying to get himself killed too? Or did he really care? In that moment, in the water, I felt something. Something I'd never felt before. Everything around me gave me a rush. Soon enough, I was above the surface again. I was sitting on the bank next to the water fall. I looked into his eyes. They were staring at me. Tear filled. What did I do? Why does he look so hateful and sad towards me? I must have done something...and I really didn't want to stick around to find out.

     I coughed and coughed. I finally got the water out of my lungs, then ran. I ran like hell. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know what would happen, but I did know something. I knew that I had to leave. I knew that something was wrong, and that whatever it was, I was going to run from it. I felt like if I ran...It would never be able to catch up to me. I heard Dimitri call my name one last time, and I was gone. 

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