Chapter 2- Invasive thoughts

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Brendon's POV

I lay on my bed, thoughts fading in and out of my mind. I know it's dark but I feel that the thoughts that are clouding my mind are misting up the room too.
Sighing, I go collect my iPod and head to the door, writing a note for my mother as I do so. She won't care anyway.

Normally people don't believe me when I say my mom's horrible to live with yet alone call my mother. The reason she's so awful is because my dad left us when I was 13. Since then, alcohol's become her new best friend, not to mention she'll probably disown me when she finds out I'm gay. It'l hurt more when I hear the words from her even though I used to being called a 'worthless fag' everyday at school. I guess it will hurt more because once apon a time, she loved me. To me It'l just break me knowing she really doesn't care for me. Deep down I always hoped she still would...but her kicking me out will cut the last threads of hope still keeping us together.

Damn, I wish I took a jacket its freezing out here. Shivering, I let my arms wrap around myself in attempts to keep me warm. It worked for a short while but eventually I slipped back into being a quivering mess. The cold fall air mixed with the wind from the river slapped me in the face as I walk half way over the bridge.

I always come here when I feel I need to calm down or clear my mind; there's just something about the breeze whipping through my hair while watching the beautiful sunset based along the waters surface.

I sit down on the ledge of the bridge and sooner or later my mind is pretty much clear, apart from one thing that's been haunting me all day. I go back to school tomorrow. Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate the education part of it (even though some of the teachers can be pricks) the only part I hate is the other people there. Getting bullied is the worst experience anyone can go through. No matter how hard I try I can't get them to leave me alone.

The beatings still infect their way into my dreams, more like nightmares. Anyway, it's even worse when it happens in reality. The other thing is, people have told me that I need to be confident and then they'll leave me alone. I don't see how being confident will help anyone, especially when it's yourself that's your worst enemy.

The bullies at school have called me horrible things, and it didn't take long until I started to believe them myself. I don't blame them though. If it's anyone's fault it's mine. How can I show up to school and expect them not to call me ugly or fat or any of it for that matter. It's my fault for being in their way and as much as I hate them I really do just want to them to leave me alone for both our sakes.

A second after, a distant sound interrupts my thinking session. I whip round to see a group of tall, well built, people marching in my general direction. They were still far away but I've had experience recognising them.
Josh, Tyler, Alex and Jack. Shit. My breathing quickens very suddenly as I jump down from the ledge and hear a loud click. "Argh!" I yell, louder than I wanted to as I cling onto my ankle. Seeing the group of 4's heads whip round I start running. Unfortunately not very fast due to my twisted ankle.

"Hey fag, come for some fun?" Shouted Jack.
I attempted to run faster but it turned out to be more like a frantic hobble. Panic filled my system as they caught up to me.
It was dark and we were now in the woods. The leader of the group Alex was the first one to approach me.
"Aw look what we've found lads" he smirked, not taking his eyes off me.

"I've got to say little brenny boy we've missed you" Jack chimed in. Tyler came up in between them and spat right in my eyes. Because I was cornered with my back to a tree, I had no where to go as they all came closer and Alex took his first punch.

A crippling pain in my right cheek sprung to the surface and I fell to the floor. Another pain suddenly appears in waist. I look round right as Josh's boot smashes into my chest. I feel all air leave my body as I lay there struggling to breath, kick after kick hits me. Each one snatching a small fragment of hope from me.

About 10 minutes later they eventually get bored and leave me. It felt like a lifetime. It always does. Even though i'm not bleeding this time,I feel a wave of agony crash over me when I try to stand up after they leave me. Tears stream down my face and worry soon finds it's way back into my mind. I can't go through another agonising year with that every week.

Tears stop running but still fogs my eyes, making it extremely hard to find my way out the woods in the pitch black. I make it eventually and try find my way home. I walk down this one street but notice 1 light on in a window. I can see the outline of a boy, staring in wonder out the window. He catches sight of me just as I look swiftly away from his direction. Still feeling his eyes lingering on me limping down the street, I feel uneasy. Almost embarrassed I guess... I didn't want anyone to see me this way.

(A/N) Hii, just so you know this is my first fanfiction i've ever written so apologies if its quite bad. Also, i'm really bad at writing long chapters so sorry if this one is the longest you'll get. You should all go read The Photo Frame by omgxphan as the author is a good friend of mine. Hope you liked this chapter I promise it will get more interesting soon!

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