Chapter 20- Oblivious

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(A/N IM GOING TO SEE TØP LIVE OMG IM SO EXCITED!!!!! And does anyone else think my writing is getting better or is it still the same crap as what it was in Chapter 1?? )

Ryan's POV

The school bell rings through the building and the stray conversations around the room start to pick up volume. I didn't care about any of them though. All that was going through my mind was how Brendon was acting. Normally on the way to school we would speak ,even if it was only a couple of words, but this morning he didn't speak to me at all.

It's most likely all my fault. But what did I do? I'm so confused. Perhaps I should actually ask him what's up. I'm too scared that he'll leave me all alone like he promised not too. Wait, he wouldn't have promised if he wasn't going to keep it, right?

I made my way slowly through the overcrowded hallway, attempting to at least reach the doors of the canteen. It's really great at lunch now because Brendon, Jon and I have our own table and no one else sits on it.

Actually, everything's been great now that Josh, Tyler, Alex, and Jack have been kicked out this hell hole. Brendon doesn't have to worry about getting caught up by them or anything. Jon was pretty glad too. I've noticed that now them four have left, no one else has even mentioned anything about our relationship or sexuality. Bren and I don't exactly try to keep it hidden anymore. There's no point really.

I push passed a bunch of giggling girls and eventually found myself in the canteen. It only took me a few weeks to get used to this place and know where everything is. I'm quite proud (if I do say so my self). For quite a huge school, it's interior isn't as complex as you might think.

The science corridor linked to maths, maths linked to English, English to music and drama, music and drama to technology then back to maths. Of course there are stairs and stuff in between but it's that simple.

However, the hidden music rooms that me and Brendon use are called 'hidden' for a reason. You have to find the right door in the drama department then go down some stairs then enter a code onto another door then there's a series of old music rooms.

Brendon says that no one knows because in the summer of 2001, the whole building burned to the ground. Them rooms and a few metal lockers were the only thing that survived the ruthless war of flames. He said everyone just forgot they were there and built over it.

God knows how he knows these things. He can be so mysterious sometimes. I make a mental note to ask him about it later. For now: finding our goddamn table in amongst hundreds of other tables that are identical.

A powerful force knocks into my right shoulder and down to the ground I went. Oooowww.

"Oh my god I'm so s- Ryan? What the fuck are you doing on the floor?"

"Bren? You idiot, you knocked me down when you barged into my shoulder!"

"Oohh yeah that makes sense. I was looking for you actually, where were you at?"

"Can we like -not- have a conversation sitting on the floor surrounded by angry teenagers?"

"Yeaaa good point." My lovable boyfriend says looking extremely innocent. He proceeds to get up, only it's quite difficult since the crowd around us is making that quite impossible. Brendon struggles for a moment more before inevitably giving up and sinking back to the floor. This guy. In that moment, a familiar, amused face appears in the crowd.

"What on earth are you two losers doing on the floor?" Jon asks, slightly confused. I think he understood when I shot an accusing look at Brendon. Jon didn't exactly help our situation though as he just stood there laughing like a kid watching their morning cartoons. I look over at Brendon and to my surprise he's just sat there not laughing at all, instead he plays with his fingers. Actually, he looks quite... sad? Guilty? But why? It wasn't his fault he got pushed into me.

I would do anything to know what he was thinking. You see, that's the thing with anxiety. You wish so hard that you can know what other people are thinking about you, but when you finally find out, your illness takes it and analyses it so much you wish you never knew.

"Helloooooo?? Who died down there? You both look like someone just told you you could never listen to Pierce The Veil again." Jon states, holding his hand out for one of us to take. Brendon snaps back into reality and gladly takes it. Once he's up he helps me without another word, and leads us to our table; our original  destination.

Silence takes its toll again. Me and Jon bring out our packed lunches but Brendon doesn't. Okay so first he won't talk, he zoned out a lot and now he's not eating? What's up with him? Did I do something?

"Aren't you hungry?" I ask quietly, resting my hand around his right wrist. His head whips up and for a second I was sure I could read- fear? Oh my god! Is my own boyfriend, my Sun, afraid of me?

"Um no actually I had a pretty big breakfast... That's why I didn't speak
to you on the way here by the way. I really didn't feel well.." Brendon explains. Even though I guess he did make a valid point, something inside me just doesn't think it's right? I don't know it's probably stupid. It's just my anxiety speaking. Brendon isn't hiding anything from me. He wouldn't...would he?

"Jesus what is wrong with you two today? It's like someone swapped your personality with Bella from Twilight. Are you guys like, okay?" That's something about Jon you notice after a while. He does like comparing things to each other.

"Uhh yeah Jon. We- we're great." I answer when I was sure Brendon wasn't going to. Normally, he's the vocal one. You know, maybe he is just feeling ill. I shouldn't be doubting him at all. What kind of a boyfriend am I when I can't even trust Brendon? Okay from now on, I'll trust him with whatever he says. This will strengthen our relationship and be sure to help it grow. I'm positive of it.

I slip my hand down from his wrist to his hand and lace his fingers with mine, as to show physically what just went through my mind. I lean into his warm shoulder and rest my head lightly onto his shoulder. Jon's face lights up when Brendon throws his arm around my shoulder in response to my sudden affection. He's so waaaarm. It comes in handy when I'm the coldest person. Ever.

"UUGHHH you two are so cute what the hell." He exaggerates.

"We know Jon. We know. Hey, why don't you just get Spencer to move to this school? Didn't you say that he didn't like it there? Plus, he only loves a couple of streets away. It'd make sense." I suggest. Wouldn't it be great if  we were all here?

His giddy face lights up again.
"OHHHHHHH dude that is such a good idea omg!!!!!! I'll talk to him tonight about it. His parents are cool like that too, they'd be sure to let him move!" Wow i never knew a guy other than Brendon could squeal so much. Why didn't I think of it sooner? Oh yeah. We've only be friends for a couple of days.

I feel Brendon's shoulder shake slightly and I knew he broke into one of his cute little giggles. Brendon is soo the cute one in this relationship, even though he tells me frequently that I'm the cute one.

Jon grins back and so do I. Damn this whole 'friend' thing is actually really awesome. Plus they don't make fun of me for my accent! Bren does sometimes but he's allowed.

Sometimes, I really do think that I'm falling in love with him. Neither of us have said it yet and I don't think It's the right time yet though. I hope it can be soon. And I hope he feels the same way as strongly as I do.

(A/N hi this chapter sucks but you know I tried.)

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