Chapter 18- Awkward Beginnings

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We sit at the wooden table enjoying our breakfast. It's the weekend still so we can take all the time in the world. Brendon sits opposite to me and my mum sits next to him.
It's about 11 now and the rain outside is not hesitating to make the loudest noises bouncing off the roof and the windows. It was sunny this morning and everything! I thought it would be a nice day to go out -to the bridge maybe- but not now. The look of the weather has met its temperature.

My mum finishes her breakfast before both of us so she leaves the table and goes to clean up, leaving me and Brendon by our selves.
"What do you want to do today?" I ask.
"Ummm I don't know, the weathers not very nice is it?"
"No..." I suddenly remember what he had said yesterday about being at the park. He made a friend didn't he? Jon or something?
"Hey do you still have that guys number, the one you met at the park?"
"Yeah I do. You want me to see if he can hang out?"

I don't know why but I get very shy all of a sudden and then remember that...I'm not that good at socialising with new people. Brendon seems to read my mind.
"We don't have too if you don't want but if you do decide,  I'll be there too." He says reassuringly, reaching over the table to grab my hand. Thinking about it, it wouldn't be that bad right? I know he isn't going to be homophobic and I've got Brendon here with me. It's not that bad.
"It's okay we can hang out with him, thanks Bren." I love that he knows me and he knows my anxiety. He doesn't force me into things and he understands when it takes over sometimes. My Sun will always be there to calm me down. And I love that.

"I'll text him now. He's actually really energetic so just be expecting that." He laughs sweetly.

A couple minutes pass in silence until Brendon's phone buzzed, vibrating the whole table and making me jump violently, nearly falling off my chair. Why do I keep doing that?
Sitting back up, I give Brendon an unamused look. He's just sat there laughing at me! Damn him but if I had just seen him nearly fall off his chair I would be on the floor laughing my head off to be honest.

"Oh sweet Jon can hang out and he said Spencer -his boyfriend- can come too!" He exclaims happily. Yay! I'm glad we might have some new friends. The only real friend I've ever had is Brendon and he's my absolute best friend ever.
"Oh cool! Just tell them to come to this address whenever they're ready." I add, standing up to put my plate in the sink. Il wash it later.

I saw Brendon was finished as well and collected his plate from the table too.
I feel a pair of arms wrap round me from behind when I put that in the sink too. His breath tingles round my ear as I hear his whisper in my ears softly:

"They're gonna be here in 15 minutes"
Shivers creep down my back and he starts swaying us slowly to the sweet  melody of the comfortable silence around us. A warm sensation appears on my left cheek and I feel Brendon's lips press against it, wiping all history of shivers from my body as I melt into his arms like I always do at his touch.

Most people would judge us because we haven't been together that long, or known each other for not more than a month but I truly believe that I'm starting to fall in love with him. I like him so much and I really really hope that he's starting to feel the same.

I don't know what it is but whenever I'm with him I just feel like I'm honestly happy and that doesn't come very often with anxiety like mine. He's changed that about me though. I feel happier because I know he won't leave me (though sometimes I do think of it and how shattered that would leave me).

His arms unravel from around my body and the weight of his chin is lifts from my shoulder. I turn back around and reach up to his face. Brendon leans in and pecks me on the lips, quickly retreating to the sofa, pushing himself over it so he flops rather loudly onto it.

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