Chapter 5- Secrets Revealed

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Brendon's POV
I lean against the tree a couple metres away from the main school gates. A slight frown is printed on my face as I wonder how I'm going to tell him I'm gay. Hopefully he won't mind but, that's never promised.

Staring at the muddy grass around me passes the time for a couple minutes but then I start to wonder where Ryan is? The bell rang for the end of the day at least 15 minutes ago. Surely he can't still be being held back?

A couple more minutes pass before deciding to go look for him. I enter the school doors and wonder down the science corridor. This was his last lesson I think. I turn left onto the math corridor and my heart stops. There he is. Surrounded by the same 4 people that make my life hell. He looks terrified while they all crowd round.

"Hanging around that worthless emo today were you?" Sneered Alex beckoning for the others to join in.

"You know, he's definitely not the person you want to have as your friend new boy. We can change that." Says Tyler slyly.

"Option 1: you can join our little group and be superior to everyone in this school. But you can't ever be nice to that freak." One of them spat

"Option 2: stay friends with him and get hated by us. And trust me, you don't want that, new boy." Threatened Jack.
I watch Ryan intently, wishing his answer for him. Hidden behind the corner of the science corridor, I just manage to get a glimpse of Ryan's face. It looks...disgusted. But still terrified.

"Um-I- no- i...p-pick option 2." He stutters and I hear a sigh of relief coming from my mouth. The only person I can see right now is Josh and he looks angry. That's not a good sign as normally, he's the most chilled of them all. Well, as chilled as you can be while beating someone up.

"Listen here you son of a bitch. You've made a horrible mistake. Do you even know why we hate him so much?" NOO they're gonna tell him about me!!
"Do you even know he's a f-"
"To be honest I'd rather be friends with Brendon any day of the week than even step foot within a mile of you. No matter what you hate him for." Ryan says confidently.
My heart thumps so loud I'm surprised they haven't heard it and found me yet. Ryan's confidence differs as I hear a whimper coming from his mouth.

 Oh god what are they doing? I'm so engrossed in what's happening, I don't even realise a teacher coming up behind me to turn into the maths corridor. She didn't acknowledge me but she sure did see them.

"What on earth is going on here? Back away from the boy immediately!" She orders. A couple seconds later I hear footsteps coming towards me. Worrying it might be Alex, Tyler, Josh or Jack, I  start to back away from my hiding space.
The footsteps grow louder but I see it's Ryan. Stepping out into the corridor I see he's all panicked.

"Hey come here it's okay." I tell him in my softest voice. He lets out a small sob as he comes over to me. I wrap my arms around him in attempts to calm him down. He wraps his around my neck and we stay there for a minute or two. I can feel his breathing evening out.

"It's okay. Your safe now." I tell him releasing him from my tight grasp.

"I know- thank you Brendon. Do you still want to come to my house because you can still say no if you don't want to." He looks almost embarrassed as he steps slightly away, still clinging onto my hand though. I squeeze his hand in reassurance.

"Of course I still want to. Why wouldn't I?" I ask and he shrugs his reply.

"I'll show you the way. My house is really untidy because we only got here the other day so there's moving boxes everywhere." He says apologetically in the strange accent of his.

"It's fine I really don't mind at all" I smile "Hey Ryan?"
He raises his eyebrows in reply.
"Where did you move from if you don't mind me asking. It's just your accent is a little different." Hopefully I didn't insult him.
"Oh" he sighs, looking hesitant to answer.
"I'm...not actually from America. I'm English but I was stupid enough to think putting on an American accent would help me fit in."
He looks down while I chuckle but not in a mean way.

"That's sweeeet. Don't worry, you don't have to try and fit in. I won't judge you." We start to walk out of school, still clutching each other's hand.
"I know." He smiles delicately. I can't help but to think about how precious his voice is. I sigh and Ryan looks at me as to say 'what's up?'.

"Your accent is really cute." I confess and we both blush. I see his eyes light up like the moon. He kind of reminds me of it. I think I'll call him that. Moon. It suits him.

(A/N okay I realise the chapter name doesn't really match what happens because I was going to make this chapter longer but it would take too long so another chapter will come today and it's gonna be part two of Sectets revealed!!)

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