Chapter 11- The Beginning

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Ryan's POV

I let my fingers strum in time to a simple beat trying to seem as emotionless as possible when really, I'm suffering a lot on the inside. I know I should get over it quickly but I can't let go of the inevitable disappointment of the situation. What can I say? I get attached real easily.

We had managed to get a couple lines of lyrics down for the song we were writing but I just can't concentrate on anything. I feel I'm over exaggerating but there's nothing I can do. Hopefully I get over this quickly.

"So what do you think of this as the chorus?" Brendon asks. He got over the embarrassment of telling me about his crush about 20 minutes ago. Damn. I suppose I should have listened to what he was telling me about the chorus.

"Oh yeah it's great." I say, maybe too emotionless.
"Are you-like-okay?" He asks cautiously. I swear the colour in his cheeks differ.
"Yeah, just peachy." Ugh now I sound too sarcastic.
"Hmm...okay but you can tell me if you're not."
"I will."  Lie.

We return to writing when my attention creeps up on the fact that Brendon keeps side-glancing at me. Well if you weren't side-glancing at him, you wouldn't notice. I know I'm just being hopeful and such but oh he's so perfect.

His soft singing brings me back into reality as I begin the strumming pattern on this old acoustic guitar. I like this one, it has history...character.

"If all my life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed then we should feed our jewellery to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Brendon's singing is so sweet and innocent. I feel it's too pure for this peace-ridden world. He sings with such truth, honesty. So much meaning behind the broken words. It just makes sense to have broken words sang by broken souls. Like us.

We wrote the song so when the verse ended, the chords of a piano would come in through the chorus. When I see Brendon so engulfed in concentration of our lyrics, my hand goes to press the keys because I thought he'd forgotten about them. However, I put my hand down only to find that Brendon's hand does the same, but on top of mine. Both our heads snapped up to look at each other.

Instinctually, I went to pull my hand away but only to fail when Brendon's hand slips more heavily on to mine, not letting me go. He stares at me and I, him. My breath quickens and my hand starts to sweat under his. Brendon's pretty brown eyes start to get closer to mine and soon our faces were millimetres away from each other. I could feel his breath on my face and his hair brush against my forehead. All my thoughts just shattered right through me, right out of my mind. Lost in those brown spirals I feel myself edging closer to him by every second.

The guitar in my lap was no obstacle as Brendon leans forward, closing the very small gap between us. I feel my heart stop and in surprise I straighten my back to find one of Brendon's hands is already on the back of my shoulder. I melt into the kiss and lift one hand up to meet his neck.
The overwhelming explosion of joy takes over me as I press my lips back at his, adding pressure to the display of character we both were performing very enthusiastically.
I feel him pulling away naturally so I do the same. If it was possible, he looked even prettier now that before. My breath gradually evens out whilst our hands are still intertwined on the piano. My hand's still on his neck and his still on my back.

"Yeah Bren?" Silence.

"I like you a lot."
"I like you too."

Seeing the physical relief on his face makes me even more happier than I am. Everything in my mind just clicks now. He likes me. My Sun likes me! I soon start to realise that this day has been the literal best day of my life.

Brendon POV

I pull away from the spontaneous kiss only to breathe. If I could go forever without breathing that would be perfect right now. Ryan looks so perfect. His eyes gleaming and his face plastered with content. I totally should have told him I liked him sooner. Dammit Brendon why did you wait?!
The rooms peaceful silence breaks as I say his name.

"Yeah Bren?" I love it when he uses my nickname.

"I like you a lot" Just incase he hasn't picked up on that yet.

"I like you too." He says, looking directly into my eyes. He's so beautiful.
My Moon likes me back. I actually have a chance without me scaring them away. I like my Moon and he likes me back.

My moment of realisation comes as I soon come to the terms that; for the first time ever, I feel complete. Like this is what I've been waiting for my entire life. Like this was meant to happen all along. Well you know what they say:

All things happen for a reason.

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