Chapter 6- Secrets Revlealed P2

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Brendon's POV

We walked back to Ryan's house in pretty much silence apart from occasional humming. The walk was only about 15 minutes and we passed my house on the way. It turns out we only live a couple of minutes away from each other. How convenient.

We reach the end of Ryan's front yard and he releases my hand to take out his keys from his pocket. He struggles to get them out because his jeans and so tight. I have to admit, my hand feels real cold now that I'm not holding his.

Opening his door, he beckons me inside. All inside were boxes packed to the brim laying everywhere. Other than that, the house looked awesome. It was bigger than mine by far. Ours was all mom could afford.

Ryan smiled and he leads me over to the kitchen where a dirty blonde haired woman (whom I'm assuming to be his mom) was baking something. She turned round in surprise when she heard our footsteps so I presume she didn't hear Ryan open the door.

"Oh honey how was your day?" She asked, pulling him into a hug.
"It was great mum, um this is Brendon"  He says, gesturing to me. I smile awkwardly but her grin just grew and she also hugged me, quite tightly too, after freeing Ryan from her grasp.

"Are you hungry love? I've been making cookies to celebrate surviving your first day!" She exclaims excitedly. Ryan's face became red and I -admittedly- decide really like it when he does that.

"Um not just yet but later we will have something to eat. That okay Bren?" I smile at the nickname and nod in confirmation.
He asks me if I wanna go listen to music and I agree without hesitation.

We go to his room which is still quite empty apart from a single bed pushed against the opposite wall to the door, a cupboard to the right of the door and a mirror, about Ryan's height, opposite his bed. There's also a bedside table stacked with cd's.
He walks up to his cd collection so I follow.

"Oh my god you like My Chemical Romance?! Fall Out Boy?!" I ask very loudly.
"Yeah, you do?!" He replies excitedly.
I nod passionately. We talk about different bands for about an hour and a half while muse plays in the background. This whole experience is so strange to me. I've never had any friends before. Well, I guess I've never had any real friends. They all left me when they found out I like guys, which is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard but hey. Nothing I can do about it.

Ugh I'm so worried to tell Ryan. I know that I don't  want him to leave me. But I can't help but to think somethings different about him. I sigh internally so he won't know something's wrong. I don't want him to worry.

A slow song came on a minute after our conversation died down. I go over what I want to say in my head. Hey Moon? I need you to know why I get bullied. Just so you don't make good friends with me then you end up hating me.
Ryan starts to speak and my thoughts are pushed aside.
"Brendon...I need you to know something about me." My heart thumps harder.
"I-I'm-" He starts before his mom bursts into the room.
We both look up at her, back at each other, then back at her. She grins widely.
"Cookies are ready hun. Get em while they're hot!" Ryan's mom exclaims while retreating back through the door. Ryan smiles and roles his eyes jokingly but still looks a bit unsettled. We follow her out and while we're eating them I joke how 'english' cookies are much better than American ones. Ryan's mom is grateful for the compliment. I can see where Ryan gets his sweetness from.

As the night goes on we both seem to forget about what Ryan was trying to tell me before. We play video games on his console for hours. Time just slips away and before we know it, it's dark outside and also 10 o'clock.
"Woah! Have you seen the time?" He asks.
"Jesus I didn't realise it was that late."

"Do you- maybe want to- stay over?" Ryan offers timidly.

"Oh yeah! I'd love too! Only if it's no bother with your mum that is." A huge smile appeared on my lips.

"Awesome! She won't mind, trust me." he shines his dazzling grin and takes my hand.

"Do you want to call your parents and tell them?" Ryan continues. I imagine my mom actually caring where I was at night or any time of the day. I scoff. He looks hurt like he thought I was laughing at him. My eyes grow wide.

"I wasn't laughing at you! I would never do that. It's just..." Ryan listens to my words intently, almost like he's reassuring himself with them. Aww- my Moon.

"It's a long story for another time. I don't think I'm ready to share it yet." Lying to him feels wrong but telling him the truth will scare him off. I don't want him to think I'm anything like my mother. He looks sympathetic and squeezes my hand.

"That's okay. I won't force you." Feeling bad for lying to him, I squeezed his hand back. We sat like this for a couple minutes in silence. His thumb strokes my hand.

Ryan breaks the silence abruptly: "Oh by the way, do you mind sharing my bed? I know it's really small and all but I don't want you to sleep on the floor. Plus it's like really creaky too I've discovered."

"Aaaaaand how did you find that out? Sneaking out to teenage parties I bet!" I chuckle, winking at him.

"Pfft yeah right! I hate huge crowds!" He exclaims throwing his arms up.

"Hehe and I don't mind sharing with you tonight." Call me crazy but I'm sure he looked relieved? I'm probably making things up  knowing me.

As we both get ready for bed (Ryan said I could borrow some of his pyjamas) I keep thinking about how I'm going to tell him. It definitely has to be tonight  I think to myself. I sigh and sit on his bed as I wait for him to come back through his bedroom door.

Ryan's POV

I'm going to tell him tonight. Whilst walking down the hall and back into my room I start to get anxious. There he is sat on my bed, concentrating so hard on his own thoughts he didn't realise I was there. I hopped over to him and sat down. His attention was brought away from whatever was going on in his mind as his head snapped up.

"You ready to go to sleep?" I ask because I don't really know what else to say to be quite honest.

"Yeah yeah sure" Brendon replies. I slip under the covers first and push my self up against the wall so he has room then he soon gets in after me. Feeling his body heat radiate off him was so calming I almost forgot I had to tell him. Deciding to leave it a couple of minutes so he is settled, I study his face. It's so...perfect. His pretty chocolate brown eyes watch me as I watch him. He smiles and his eyes light up. Just like the sun. My little Sun.

"Brendon?" "Ryan?" We both say at the exact same time. Giggles echo round the once- silent room. Aww his giggle is so cute . He tells me to go first:

"You know earlier when I was trying to tell  you something?" Feeling a nod of an answer, I continue.

"Well... I understand if you don't want to be friends with me after this but-" Here it goes.  I gather all my courage and open my mouth.

"I'm gay." The words slip out of my mouth and I feel both our breathing stop.

"Oh my god." Oh shit he totally hates me. "I was gonna say the exact same thing." Well maybe not!

"No way! So your not a homophobe?"

"Dude no! I just told you, I'm gay too. That's what I was going to tell you." I can hear the relief in his voice and he could probably see it in my face too. I sigh happily. I'm sort of confused though. Why am I so happy about this? Is it just because I know he won't hate me? Or am I happy about it for a different reason? I let these thoughts slide over my head as I whisper a goodnight.

"Goodnight Bren."

"Goodnight Ry."

Blushing at the new nickname, I continue to examine his face. His eyes are closed so he can't see me do so. He's so close to me I can feel his lungs going up and down. Hours pass while I just watch him. So pretty...  Once I'm sure he's asleep I slide my hand into his once again and close my eyes, eventually slipping into a deep, well needed, sleep.

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