Chapter 4-Explanations

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Brendon's POV
Surprisingly, I actually made it to first period without being found. I was the first one there and I had 10 minutes until class started, so I pull out my headphones and just put my playlist on shuffle. About 5 minutes later I notice a head appear at the window of the door. It was the boy from earlier!
Oh God what does he want. I didn't want to leave him like that but I couldn't just stand there; he would get beaten up too and trust me, he (and I) definitely didn't want that.

After searching around the room frantically from outside, he opens the door timidly and steps inside.
"I...uh...I'm sorry" I murmur so quietly I was surprised he was able to hear me.

"Why are you sorry?" He asks slowly, almost at the same pace as he was entering the room.

"F-for running away from you. I'm really sorry about that, it's just the people behind you-" I start, not daring to make eye contact.
The boy looked sympathetic.
" They beat you up last night didn't they." He finishes. I nod shyly whilst he made his way over to the desk I was sat at.
"Don't worry. I'm not like them." He whispers. "I won't hurt you."

And I believe him. I really do. He stares into my eyes and I stare back, not quite knowing what's going on and why my hearts beating so fast. He looks so peaceful and innocent. I just wanna-RIIIINNNGGGGGGGGG
We both nearly jump out of our skins when the bell rings fiercefully. The thought I just had in my head disintegrated just as we both make eye contact and burst out laughing. Aww his laugh is really cute..

Our laughter dyed down right as the loud crowd of students burst through the door. Slipping into the seat next to mine, he brings his head close to mine and I feel my heart flutter as he does so.

"I'm Ryan" He says in my ear so I can hear over the noise of the other people in the room.

A blush creeps its way over my cheeks which I'm sure he's seen because he chuckles quietly to himself, turning to face the front of the room, resuming his place in his seat.

"I'm Brendon" I reply, still staring at him. Ryan's gaze flickered from the board, that Mrs Williams was writing on, to my eyes and smiled at me.

"Hi Brendon, nice to meet you" And with that, the rest of the lesson was pretty normal apart from one thing was lingering on my mind...Could Ryan possibly be my first friend?

When the lesson came to an end (after like 5 billion years), on the way out of the door I showed Ryan where he needed to be which unfortunately, was not with me, then headed to my next lesson. Ugh history, who even cares? As I enter the classroom I hear whispers around me. Something about being a 'fag' or something.

I take my usual seat at the back of the room where I have learnt over the years that sitting here prevents anything being thrown at the back of your head. I mean the sides and front of my head are still a target but not very common ones.

I decide this lesson is gonna be spent daydreaming or just thinking about things in general. Class starts but my minds in a completely different world. Ryan. He's so... interesting I guess. I just want to know more about him. And why is he being so nice to me? I know he's new so he probably won't know about me yet. Oh shit! That's why he's so nice! He doesn't know I'm gay yet. What if he leaves me like all my other 'friends' did? Don't be stupid Brendon. You're not friends with him yet. Yet...

Ryan's POV

Class drags on and on and on until my mind wonders back to the same thing that Iv'e been thinking about for ages now. Brendon. I don't understand why he gets bullied at all. He's so sweet! And he blushes! And his eyes are pretty sparkly...And his hair's awesome...And his lips- Woah there tiger, chill out! You only just met the boy and you're already thinking about kissing him!

Okay Ryan, Brendon doesn't know that you're gay. Maybe he's even homophobic like the internet says about American schools? Okay okay okay I'm probably just being paranoid but I need to come up with a plan to tell him, just so I don't get too far into this...friendship? Hm not yet , but whatever this is. I know! Mum said that if I make any friends I can bring them home for dinner and stuff. Yessss that's exactly what I'll do. I'll ask him at lunch. And for some reason I don't get nervous or anxious of any sort around him. Well that's a first...

As the day continues I start to worry about asking Brendon to my house. What if he says no? We'll just have to see. After getting lost around school twice because no one would show me where to go, the lunch bell finally rings and my heart (and stomach) jump for joy.

Luckily the class I was in was literally next door to the canteen (cafeteria) so there was no way I could get lost for a third time. I make my way in and look around, trying to find any sight of Brendon. There he is in the corner. Slowly and unsure I walk over to his table. Why is he sat alone?

"Um-he-hey Brendon. Can I with you?" Damn I sound like such an idiot in my stupid fake accent. I sound like an idiot all together.
"Oh hi! can sit here." He replied, slightly jumping surprisingly at my words. He gestured to a seat opposite him and I sat down.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Brendon asked.
"Oh I forgot, my mom made me a packed lunch for my first day but I think I'll just ask her to carry on doing that to be honest." I chuckled reaching around in my bag for my lunch.
"Aren't you going to?" I ask in confusion as I notice he's not got any school food sat in front of him and no packed lunch either.
"Ummm.......I'm not hungry?" He says, almost like a question- like he's trying to convince himself.
"Oh okay" I smile but he only returns a small one, and it's layered in worry. Something's wrong I can feel it. Maybe it's me. Maybe I did something wrong. But I still need to ask him to my house tonight. Taking a deep breath and finishing off that last bit of sandwich, I gather all my courage (which isn't very much) and open my mouth to speak.
"Doyouwanttocometomyhouseafterschooltodayfordinner?" I say as fast as I could. I can see the confusion on his face as he tries to unravel my words. Finally his moment of realisation comes and I am astonished he was able to make out even a syllable of what I was saying.
"Yeah that'd be awesome! You sure your parents don't mind?" Brendon asks, his worry seeming to just disappear.
"It's um..just my mum and no of course not, she was the one that told me to bring someone if I make any friends." Ugh did I really just say that? He chuckles and I feel my face start to grow red.
"Well I think of you as a friend too." He states carefully, looking deeply into my eyes for the first time this lunch and I notice his face start to match the redness on mine.

The rest of the time we just sat there in silence. It isn't awkward or anything. It's just peaceful. Like we both know if we talk It'l ruin the quiet. After what feels like only a couple of minutes, the bell rings. I break the silence between us just as we stand up out our seats.
"Meet me at the main gates at the end of the day?"

"Yeah sure I'm looking forward to it." He exclaims, showing off that big cute smile of his. I swear he's like a ray of sunshine. That's what his nickname is gonna be in my head. Sun. Obviously I'm not calling him that out loud, but in my head where everything's safe I will. Call it cheesy I don't care. That's what he is.

(A/N Heyy so hopefully this was a better and longer chapter. It took me ages to write this seriously oh my god. I hope you liked it and be prepared for more fluff. This chapter was like semi-fluff if you get what I mean. No? Okay never mind. Have a good day/night!!)

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