Chapter 15- Approval

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Ryan's POV
Brendon groaned and collapses onto my bed where I slouch, listening to My Chemical Romance. He sighs one more time and stares at me, exhaustingly.

"What's up with you?" I ask mockingly. He groans again.
"I'm so tired Ry!" He exclaims and throwing his arms up in the process. I give him a 'do you really want to talk to me about being tired' look and sit up straight.
"Bren my arms are near falling off because of sorting all them boxes! All you've done is sit the park for a couple of hours staring at the passing leaves!" I complain, pulling him up from his passed out position in my bed. He wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my shoulder.
"I knoowwww are your arms okay? Do you need more hugs?" He asks while squeezing me even more. Giggling, I attempt to push him off me to, you know, save my lungs from being squished to death. He loosened his grip but still held me pretty tight against his warm body.
"I met a potential friend today actually. Call that 'just staring at passing leaves'!" He tells me with obvious pride.
"Hey that's cool, who did you meet?"
"This guy called Jon. Apparently he's in the grade below us. And he has a boyfriend called Spencer so he sounds kinda cool."
"Oh yeah can I meet him?"
"I told him about you and he was pretty excited about meeting you. If we hang out then he could bring his boyfriend too."
"Yeah that sounds cool." We whisper into each other's ears. I feel his breath on my neck and his legs move. Something cold, solid, and disgustingly wet rubbed against my bare ankle. My eyes glance down to my bed covers.

"Bren you've got mud all over my bed! Why didn't you take your shoes off?!" I exclaim, suddenly very high pitched. Brendon looks down to see the muddy mess he's made and slowly shifts his legs off my bed, completely letting me go. He kicks off his shoes and sits back in the same position. He smiles with guilt embedded into his expression. He giggles nervously.

"Hahh...sorry Ry.." He leans closer, trying his hardest to look cute and innocent. He doesn't really need to try hard though. I lean in, nearly closing the gap between us so we're leaning on each other's foreheads. His eyes look so pretty close up. They look pretty any way you look at them really. Brendon smiles sweetly and presses his lips to mine. Taken by mild surprise, I smile into the kiss. Hearing him chuckle softly, I slide my arms round the back of his neck and he wraps his around my thin waist. He puts slightly more pressure onto my lips but then pulls away much to my displeasure. I grin at him but right then my mum knocks on the door. We both lean back to try and hide the fact we were just kissing and I shout for my mum to come in. She opens the door slowly, her head popping through the gap, grinning happily. 
"Hey you twooo, I thought to celebrate the house being properly sorted out we could all go out for dinner! How does that sound?" She asks very enthusiastically. I look at Brendon who seems very glad to take that offer instead of going home.
"That sounds awesome, when are we going?" I answer for both of us knowing that Bren would be grateful. He's kinda awkward around other people but so am I and plus, he's cute when he's awkward.
"Umm how about 15 minutes? It'll give you some time to get ready."
"Yeah sure sounds good we'll just get changed then we'll meet you downstairs." She nodded then left, leaving the door open a bit. Ugh, hasn't she ever heard of closing the goddamn door? I walk over to my closet and chucked Brendon some clothes to get changed into since that his were all muddy from the park bench. I swear that would only happen to him, how does anyone even get covered in mud anyway? Only Brendon... Wait, my mum coming in reminded me of something. Why hadn't I thought of this before? When are we going to tell her?

"Hey Brendon?"
"Yeah Ryan?" He smirks.
"When do -you know- want to tell my mum? About us I mean."
"Uhh well you can decide really, she's your mother but I think she'l be cool with it. She knows you're gay right?"
"Yeah she does so she'll be fine with us right? Shall we tell her...tonight maybe?" I offer, shuffling my feet whilst stood over near my closet.
"Tonight? Yeah yeah its like she's taking us out for that reason" He laughs and gets up to walk out the room with my clothes. I mentally complain that I was going to wear the t-shirt that he took out with him but I don't call after him. I gather my jeans and the shirt I gave to him to wear and got changed quickly in case he came into the room while I was getting changed. That would be super awkward.

A couple minutes pass until we're all buckled up in the car. The seat belt material is really cold against my skin because of the oncoming winter. I shiver and grab hold of Brendon's hand who's sat right next to me, trying to not let my mum see we're holding hands. Brendon's body heat warms me up quickly as my mum drives us through town but even though I'm not cold anymore, I can't stop shaking. It's the nerves you see, I know she already knows I'm gay but what if she changes her mind when she knows I'm serious? If anyone can read my mind, I know I sound really stupid but I can't help but think this way. Brendon seems to be fine about everything and have no trouble being confident. I'm proud of him that he's come so far out from his depression. He deserves to be happy.

He suddenly lets go of my hand which made me take in our surroundings. We had arrived at our destination: a semi-posh looking restaurant with fake bushes lining the entrance. We all step out of the car and follow my mum inside. All around us were people chatting, laughing, socialising without worry. I don't know why but everyone seems to just turn and look at us, no. At me. I blink and everything turns back to normal. No one is staring at me. Everything is fine. It's just my stupid anxiety playing up. It's all good. I take a reassuring breath and continue to walk.

My mum leads us to a table at the back of the room. It's quieter round this area because no one else is really sitting here. She knows I like it this way so that's why she took us here.
As time passes, the food we ordered came and my worry begins to grow. I shouldn't really say worry, I'm just nervous. Why wouldn't I be? Brendon's sat right next to me and my mum sat opposite him. I feel his eyes looking at me and I glance at him. He nods so slightly I hardly see it but I know what he means. My hand searches for his under the table. I grab it and squeeze.

"Mum?" I say kinda weakly. Damn I'm nervous. Brendon's hand squeezes back and my mum looks up from her steak.
"Yeah Hun?" She smiles.
"Uhhm, me and Brendon kinda want to tell y-you something." She glances between us for a second.
"Okay, go on." Her smile remains as she ushers me to go on. I look at Brendon and he smiles at me supportingly. Taking deep breathes I continue.
"Well...we're -like- together, now." Silence lingers over our table. I held my breath as I wait for her reply.
"Aww honey that's so sweet! I'm telling you I knew something was going on between you too! Just can't hide the love in your eyes can you?" She exclaims excitedly. I sigh a breath of relief and look at Brendon again. He squeezes my hand and I smile at the two people before me.

"I'm so happy that you've have Brendon Ryro I really am. And I especially approve because I know how sweet you are. Ah I love both of you." She reaches out and pinches both of our cheeked making us both blush. I swear my mother can be so embarrassing sometimes! Gotta love her though. I'm so grateful I was raised by such an open minded, excepting person like her.
My hand slips out of Brendon's as I pick up my fork again.
"Thanks mum." I say chuckling a bit.
"Thanks Miss Ross it means a lot." Brendon pipes up. My mum laughs.
"Honey you can call me Danielle. Americans are so polite! And your houses are so big too!" She continues rambling along about something or another but In not really paying attention to be honest. I'm just looking backwards and forwards between Brendon and my mum and just asking myself: How did I get so lucky?

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