Chapter 17- Mornings In Antarctica

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Ryan's POV

Beams of sunlight glare into my eyes as I struggle to open them. What a lovely wake up call: being blinded by the only speck of light through the curtains. I feel the warmth around me and didn't really want to leave my cave of comfort to shut the curtains a bit more. Turning my head I see the stupid light is bothering Brendon in his sleep, I lay back down but facing in his direction. He frowns lightly. The things I do for him, honestly... (Very) reluctantly poking my arm out of the covers, I feel the icy air wrap it's way around my skin. Goosebumps soon appear as I attempt to reach over to the curtains, trying to reveal less skin as possible to the room's frosty temperature. I groan softly trying not to wake Brendon when I except that I was going to actually sit up to close the curtains even more. Me and him must have swapped places in our sleep because I certainly remember falling off the other side of the bed last night.
Even more reluctantly than last time I sit up, instantly regretting my decision when the cold bites into the rest of my body. As quickly as possible I snap the curtains shut and retreat back to Brendon's warmth. Shivering, I huddle into him trying to savour more heat. The cold has a big effect on me, I'm thin okay?!

As I start to gain body heat again I start to think why the rooms so cold anyway. Mum almost always has the heating on in the morning. I wonder what the special occasion is. I look back up at Brendon and suddenly remember what happened outside of the restaurant yesterday when I see the dark purple bruise spread across his cheek and leading down to his jawline. It seems to have formed over night because it wasn't that bad yesterday. I hope he's not in pain. He doesn't look in pain right now though. In his sleep he looks so peaceful like he's having a good dream somewhere in that clever mind of his. Never underestimate Brendon's mind, he's actually pretty wise. He definitely looks more settled now that I closed the unfortunate gap in the curtains. You're welcome.

A noise fills the room and I snap my head up from carefully examining my boyfriends face, only to find my mum peeping through the crack between the wall and the door. I instantly relax but give her a disapproving look. However, she just smiles proudly.

"Morniiiing!" She whispers excitingly.
"Why the hell is it so cold in here?!" I whisper back. It's way too early for this. And cold.
"I turned the heating off because I read on the internet that the cold would help  meld bruises. I thought Brendon would appreciate that." I mentally face palm and sigh.
" meant ice packs not turning the house into Antarctica!" Confusion then hesitation then understanding flashes over her face in a mere second. I could literally see the moment when it clicked in her brain.
"Ohh, in that case I'll just go turn the heating back on and make you two cuties some breakfast!" She gestures to sleeping Brendon and then to me, her half awake, half dying of frost bite son. You think I'm over exaggerating? Not in the slightest. My mum disappears behind the door and I hear her echoing footsteps leading down the stairs to tell me she's gone. Right at that moment, Brendon stretches in his sleep and brings his arms up, lightly punching me in the face in the process. This guy! He takes his time opening his eyes and seems quite alarmed to wake up and find me glaring over him.  How did he not wake up from the lack of heat anyway?
"So first you tickle me, make me fall out of bed, argue with me about time, make me get up to close the curtains so you didn't wake up which made me freezing, and now punched me in the face? Thanks Bren I appreciate it." I say sarcastically, raising my eyebrows in question.
"I didn't punch you, did I?" He asks. He doesn't have a clue.
"Yeah you stretched in your sleep and hit me."
"Sorry Ryyyyyy. Do you want to hug about it? It will make you warmer I promise." I smile and gladly take up his offer. I flop down next to him and let his arms snake around me. Ahhhh he's so warm. Like the Sun I guess.
"Jesus Christ your freezing!" He exclaims, tightening his grip round my body.
"I told you didn't I?" I mumble against his chest like last night.
"Why is it so cold in here anyway?"
"Just my mum not turning the heating on. She thought that the house being cold would help your bruise to heal."
"Oh I forgot about that. You did tell her that that isn't what your supposed to do right?"
"Yeah she went down to put the heating on again, she's making us breakfast too."
"Haha okay... Does my bruise look bad?" He asks, suddenly concerned.
"Well it's purple but nothing could ever make you look bad." Wow cheeky Ryan. I guess it's not cheeky when the person you compliment is your boyfriend. I love calling him that.

We decide to stay in bed for another half hour or so since that it was only about 9 when I woke up and plus, why would anyone want to get out of bed into the cold. In that half hour, the heaters warm up and spread warm air around my room.
Eventually we decide to get up (with a little persuasion from the smell of bacon coming from downstairs). Brendon wears the clothes that he wore yesterday which were no longer covered in mud for some reason and I wear my Fall Out Boy t-shirt along with black jeans. We get changed in the same room again but still facing away from each other.

I straighten my hair while Brendon waits for me on my bed. I don't know why but whenever he comes over he always has to make the bed. It's weird.

Once I'm done I turn to find my eyeliner pencil to find Brendon is already examining it. I smile and remember the first time he slept here. I did his eyeliner for him.
"Do you want me to do it for you?" I ask, gesturing to the jet black pencil in his hands. He looks up and I know he remembers that time too because of the smile on his face. Nodding, he comes over to me and hands me the pencil. I lift my hand up and apply the makeup carefully, my other hand resting on the back of his head. He really suits eyeliner, I might buy him some...

Finishing up, I look into his eyes properly only to find he's  staring right back at me. My hand meets my other as I bring my head forward slowly and kiss him gently. Kissing me back just as gentle, his arms wrap around my middle making me melt into the contact. I feel his lips turn up at the edges into a smile. I break away just to see him smiling. I don't ever want to miss that. Brendon Urie's smile is one of the prettiest things you will ever see. I can promise you that.

"Boys! Breakfast is ready!" My mum calls up from the kitchen. He drops his arms down and takes my hand instead. As we exit the room I turn to him.
"You know, i wanted to kiss you the first time I did your eyeliner." I admit, chuckling nervously.
"As did I my dear friend, as did I."

(A/N I wrote this chapter just as a filler but it was meant to be really long and plus I am so cold right now so yeah)

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