Ch 3 It's said if you don't let it out You're gonna let it eat you away

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Patrick Pete and Rose all talked while I just listened.

"So you don't talk much do you." Pete said.

"No." I said.

"She just needs to get to know you." Rose said.

It's true. But yet it took me 1 year to be able to tell Rose anything.

"Well then let's play a game. I'll be like truth or dare but with a question." Patrick said.

I looked up and nodded. I looked into Patrick's eyes. He was looking into mine. His were beautiful green blue color. He smile and looked over to Pete.

"You start." He said.

"Okay Rose how long have you played drums?" Pete asked.

"Since 8th grade. Patrick what's your favorite color?"

"Orange. Ester what are your hobbies?" Patrick asked me.

"Umm drawing and piano. And if you consider watching hockey then that too." I said getting quieter.

Now I have to ask something.

"Pete do you umm like Supernatural?" I said. God why did I ask that.

"No but I've heard it's good." We went in the same order over and over.

Patrick and I are a lot alike.

I kept wanting to look at him. He'd think I'm weird wouldn't he. I mean he's my favorite singer.

I want to talk to him but of course I'm terrible with starting conversation.

We all started to walk out of the restaurant. Now it was 7. We'd been in there a long time.

As we walked out fans came over.
They went from band to band.

"May I have a picture with you?" One girl asked. Whenever I'm around fans I'm not as scared. I guess it's knowing that they look up to me. It makes me for confident. I took the picture with her and the other 2 girls. They all left.

"So umm maybe tomorrow before the concert we could go to Starbucks and hang out? Unless you don't want to. I just think your a really amazing person and -" I cut Patrick off  from rambling.

"I'd love to." I said with my left over confidence.

"Ok. Umm I'll see you tomorrow at the hotel. Bye Ester." He said.

"Bye Patrick." I started to not feel as scared around him. He made me feel different. And I liked it.

He's so kind and talented. I mean how are you able to play so many instruments, sing amazingly and look that cute.

No no I can't be liking him. Not after what happened with ugh I can't even say his name.

"Est you comin?" Trinity asked.

"Oh what yeah." I said coming out of my day dream.

I walked on the bus. I took out my sketch book not even thinking of what I was drawing.

In two hours I was done.
It was a drawing of me wearing Patrick's fedora. We're looking into each other's eyes. About to kiss. I can't hide it from myself.

I'm falling for Patrick Stump. And I'm falling hard.

"Wake up Easter."

"It's Ester you Idjit!"

I got up. Karissa was in my bunk.

"Dude out!" I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Fineee." She got up and so did I.

I walked over to the kitchen area. Well were still driving.

"How long till we're there?" I asked.

"An hour. And by the way it's 1." Cayley said tuning her guitar.

"Like I'd wake up early." I said walk back to my bunk to get ready. We have a concert today. I got out my clothes for today. I got black skeleton leggings and my oversized white sweatshirt.

I walked to the bathroom got my bag of makeup from the sink.

I put in my mascara and eyeliner. I didn't want to do anything fancy.

Wait I'm going to Starbucks with Patrick today! I GET TO SEE PATRICK!

No stop freaking out over a guy that probably doesn't like you.

Never will happen.

I took my shower and by time I was done were there.

I got off the bus. Panic! at the discos bus was there but not Fall Out Boy.
I sat down next to the bus playing on my phone.

"Hey." I heard a unfamiliar voice.
I looked up to see Dallon Weekes.

"Oh hi." I said.

"I don't believe we've met yet." He said holding out his hand. I grabbed it and he helped me up.

"Oh my god he's tall."

"Yeah I know." He said. Wait I said that out loud.

"So Forsaken Dawns bassist right, Ester." He asked.

"Oh yeah that's uh me." I said.

"Well maybe we can get to know each other soon I've gotta get going now."
He said.

"Oh sure."

"Bye Ester." He said with a wink.


I sat back down on the cement.

"Well someone has a few admirers."

Patrick's POV.

"Hurry up hurry up." I said pacing.

"Dude clam down." Joe said.

"I can't Joe. Esters waiting for me."

"Aww lover boy misses his girlfriend."

"Shut up Pete I don't like her. I just wanna get to know her." I said. God Pete always jumping to things.

"Well you kept staring at her forever last night. And that moment when you both looked into each other's eyes. You two would be good together." Pete said.

"Really!" I said too excitedly.

"Dude it's ok if you like her. But I don't know what Tyler will say."

Oh yeah she's Tyler's sister. What will he think If I like her. What if he doesn't approve.

"5 minutes!" Andy called out.

So close come on she's probably forgot by now.

I looked in the mirror straightening my fedora and glasses. I felt the bus stop.
I ran out of that bus, only to see her grabbing Dallons hand.

They looked so happy. Are they together. No Tyler said she's never met any of the bands coming. Okay clam down. I couldn't look away. I haven't even known her for a full day and it hurts to see her with him. They waved and she sat back down on the concrete.

Rose said something that made Ester punch her leg. She yelled and ran back in.

I walked over to her. I'm not gonna let Dallon take her.

Locked away  Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now