Ch 12 I just feel im better off staying in the same room i was born in

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Now my brother was preforming his last song.

"Ok guys before we end tonight I got something to say." He said.

I figured I'd be about staying alive and that kinda thing like we all do. But this was different. I could tell her was worried.

"Rose please come on stage." He Said.

I looked behind me. She looked so confused. But she went out anyways.

"Rose. I've known you for so long. I remember the first time you came home with Ester after school. I wanted to hang out with you guys but I knew it would annoy Ester and you. Your the most beautiful and kind girl I've ever met. Rosemary Emily York will you do my the honor and be my girlfriend." He said.

I being the bestest friend ever yelled form the side of the stage "GEETT IITTTTTT!"

Which caused my mom to punch my shoulder.

"Yes!" She exclaimed attacking Tyler in a hug.

"Thank you all for coming and have a good night!" Tyler said and they walked off.

"Congratulations Tyler!" I heard my mum said hugging him. I kinda forgot they were here.

Wow he's brave to have done that in front of them.

Tyler's birthday

Patrick, Tyler, Rose and I are all driving over to my parents house for Tyler's birthday.

I said we should just celebrate both today but my parents insisted on doing mine tomorrow even though are birthdays are a two minute difference.

We finally arrived and walked in.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER!" My parents and even more family shouted.

"Thanks guys!" Tyler said. As he was hugging everyone.

"You have a big family." Patrick whispered to me.

"Yeah only girl with my 3 brothers." I said.

"Maybe I'll be able to have you meet my parents some day." He said.

I smiled looking over at him.

"And this is my girlfriend Rose, aka Esters bestie." He said catching my attention.

"Ester who's this lovely man you brought over." My grandma asked.

"Oh umm, everyone this is Patrick my umm Boyfriend." I said. It's really hard to tell so many family members that.

Especially when you've been a loner your whole life.

"Come on let's open presents!" Tyler said like a little kid.

After present and dinner Tyler wanted to do karaoke.

The family was singing their favorite songs of ours.

"Est you and Patrick should sing something together." Tyler said.


"No buts!"

I looked at Patrick and we walked over to the machine.

Locked away  Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now