Chapter 2

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I walked down stairs and seen Lily standing there and when she seen me she smiled but that smile was replaced with a frown. "What?" I asked "my mom said she heard weird noises from upstairs and then like a scream of pleasure I think"she said.

My heart started beating faster oh shit I thought. "Um I don't know what your talking about I was just on Instagram in your room even ask your asshole brother." I said. "Ok let's go ask"she said "ok" I shrugged.

As we walked up stairs and to Leo's room we were silent. When we walked in Leo was just randomly on his phone and he looked up to us and had an annoyed look on his face "what?"

"Mom said she heard weird noises and at the end before it was silent she heard a scream of pleasure I think" she said Lily and "Hazel here says she knows nothing of it so how bout you?" "Um same I don't know anything of it" he said "huh ok then "and she walked out and into the bathroom.

"You owe me"Leo simply said "how?"I asked "well I could have just said I finger fucked you cause you wanted to prove to me that your a virgin but instead I lied so you owe me." He explained "Whatever" I said and walked out.

For the rest of the day Lily and I just hung out on our phones and had small talk. When we went to sleep I immediately fell asleep since I was really tired.


I woke up needing to really go pee and regretted drinking so much water. I opened the door quietly and walked into the hall and into the bathroom ~3minutes later~ I walked out feeling much better I was almost to the door when someone or something grabbed me and dragged me down the hall and into a room and before I could make any sounds I pushed against the door and someone crashed there lips to mine and I recognized the taste of mint immediately from earlier Leo. I kissed back and Leo grabbed my thighs and lifted me up so I wrapped my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck.

After kissing we finally had to pull away and Leo laid his head on my shoulder breathing hard and dropped my legs and then walked away and to his bed and laid down.

What the hell just happened I thought and walked out shutting the door behind me and went back to Lily's room and went back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of French toast and recognized as it was Kelly's famous French toast we all love. I sat up and looked at Lily who was staring at me like a creep. "You finally smell those wonderful French toast my moms making for us?" "Of course there like the most delicious things on earth we should go get some" I replied and we got up and walked downstairs.

Leo was already sitting at the table and when he saw us he smirked a small smirk at me. I sat down across from him and he whispered slut to me and I glared at him. Kelly walked and sat the French toast in front of Lily, Leo and I and we all said thnk you and she then sat down to.

"Yummy" I said when I tasted the delicious warm French toast as it hit my taste buds.

Leo snorted and I new exactly why he's saying how that makes me a slut ha! And I thought what we did yesterday proved enough but guess not asshole.

Kelly looked at Leo and said "what?" "Oh nothing" and he went back to eating.

After eating I told them I had to go do so I left my phone on the couch and went and grabbed all my stuff and grabbed my phone then got into my 2015 Camaro and drove home.

When I got into the house I decided to go and take a shower so I grabbed underwear and a bra and my yoga pants and a shirt and went into the bathroom.

I turned on the shower to warm-hot and undressed then I got in and washed everything and then I just sat there under the water thinking about things that have happened.

After being in the shower for 30 minutes I got out and laid down in my bed and grabbed my iPhone and turned it on and I noticed a text I didn't notice the number was (775)304-3569 what the hell?

I'm am sooooooo sorry guys it's been moths since I last updated but I got writers block and I also have school so it's hard but I will try harder to update more please like my story and comment what you think!!! Also comment who you think the number is, is it Leo? But how would he get into her phone if she has a lock on it find out I think he next update. P.S that's Leo in the picture😊

Words: 862

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