Chapter 20

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Hazels POV
I stared at Leo, letting his question sink in, will you be my girlfriend?

I threw my arms around him "Yes! Of course Ill date you!!" I said excitedly. Leo picked my thighs and I wrapped them around his waist kissing him.

We stood there my legs around him as we kissed...

When we pulled away he dropped my legs and letting me gain my balance for I had lost it for a moment.

"Oh my god" I laughed.
"What?" Leo asked curiously.
"You know we haven't told Lily about is at all?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.
"Eh who cares we don't have to" Leo said putting his hands on my hips kissing me.
"We should go to my room yes?" He said suggestively.
"Isn't it early?" I asked him.
"No it's already 8" he said.
"Ok then" I said biting my lip.
That night I lay there it had to of been 1:00 in the morning and Leo had an arm wrapped around my waist and we had "finished" an hour ago and I couldn't sleep.

Just to much on my mind I guess, I stared at the pitch black room my body still a little sweaty from earlier and decided to sneak out.

I slowly and carefully removed his arm from me and slipped on my shorts and shirt and putting on my shoes carefully do I wouldn't wake him up.

I walked out into the dark hall and downstairs before going out into the chilly air and going to my car getting in and driving off into the night.

I looked in front of me and seen nobody was really outside that night which was weird and I kept driving and driving until I had to have drove for hours because I could seen some light coming up.

I mentally groaned liking when it was darker before. I wonder what Andys doing ha! Probably at his girlfriends house Lana or Luna was it I forgot but who cares I don't give a shit at the moment!

Leo is probably still sleeping and my parents are still away and are probably sleeping to, for another big day.

I looked at the clock in my car which read 6:45 or maybe there all awake who knows who cares me? I don't know.

Of course I care about all of them but not necessarily what they do except Leo of course he I would care cause we're now dating, hopefully he'll be faithful right? I have nothing to worry about nothing at all...right? Ugh! Maybe I'm just overthinking things...

Leo's POV
I stared out my window and into the empty street that held no Camaro of Hazels.

Why would she just leave like that? I asked my self mentally.

Maybe she just needs some time to think? Or is she even being Faithful? Of course she is faithful she's never cheated before on any of her other boyfriends from what I've seen.

I leaned my head against the cold window before pulling away and laying down on my bed.

12:03 it's been hours I groaned and got up and looked out the window and noticed her car there this time.

Ok then...
I decided to play games on my phone and started to play crossy road...

Hazels POV(again*~*)

I leaned against the shower wall as the scolding hot water ran down down my back I had already washed ten minutes and have just been standing here not knowing what to do anymore.

I finally got out and slipped into skinny jeans and black spaghetti strap matched with a white cardigan and high top converse.

I walked over to Leo's house and walked on and into his room and he was on his phone and his eyes drifted to me before back down to whatever he was doing on his phone.

"Hi" I yawned finally getting tired.
"Hi, wanna explain to me why you left?" He asked shitting his phone off and setting it next to him.
"I was uh driving, couldn't sleep" I said sitting on his bed.
I moved closer laying on his should while he put his arm around me and I shifted and got comfortable and cuddled Into him.

Leo turned his head kissing my forehead and started playing games on his phone again.

I watched him die over and over again on crossy road by getting hit by cars and trains and falling into the water.

"Ugh it's so stupid I'm a fucking butterfly and it falls into the fucking water why didn't it learn to fly" Leo complained looking for another animal to play.

I listened to him complain contently me still cuddled into him. "Well I don't know what to tell you babe" I added the babe part to play with him.

Leo flipped us so he was on top of me "Babe now?" He asked his face centimeters from mine.
My breath hitched "yes" I breathed out.

He nodded and pushed him off me getting comfortable cuddling into him again.

I felt my eyes start to close as I fell into a peaceful sleep...
I woke up to the sound of a movie playing and opened my eyes to the movie The Duff playing on Leo's TV.

I looked at him but he wasn't even watching he was sleeping. So I watching him sleep like the creep I was and pushed a piece of hair that was covering his face out of the way.

"Your the best god damn mistake I've made" I whispered to him.

Short I know and I'm sorry for that um so I've decided this book is either going to be 25 chapters or 30 chapters unless plans change so yea and then I'll start your my addiction the sequel to this book.

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-Love Jamie

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