Chapter 7

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Hazels POV
As Leo sped off from his house we were pretty much silent and I just silently looked out the window.

"You still a whore?"Leo smirked.
"Asshole"I muttered "as you can see I am a Virgin but you can't get that in your thick skull I guess" I said back.

"Hmmmm true...but that does not mean that you haven't let guys finger fuck you before me soooo there for you are still a whore."

"Ugh"I groaned leaning my head against the glass of Leo's car.

"I really am a virgin" I said in a solemn tone..."I know"he said sorta quietly and somehow I don't think I was supposed and to hear that so I stayed quiet to pretend like I didn't hear it even though his words made my heart do a flip wait what? A flip hazel really this is your enemy were talking about grow up I thought.

It was pretty much silent the rest of the drive until we got to the place where Leo was racing.

It was almost like a race car track but of course there was all the differences cause this place looked like a place where you would illegally race.

"How come I never knew you street illegally street raced?" I asked Leo.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Leo muttered.

"Oh?" I questioned.

"Well I street race illegally, I'm in a gang with my friends, I street dance to and sometimes occasionally fight." He said.

Holy shit I've known this guy almost my whole life and I never knew any of this... I thought.

Leo pulled into a dirt parking lot next to other cars and got out "you coming?".

"Yes" I replied getting out and walking over to Leo and standing next to him and then he just walked off without me Hey! I yelled you can't just leave me I said running after him.

"Actually yes I can last time I checked you don't control me" he said pointing at me.

I glared at him as he shoved his hands into the pocket of his jeans as he walked.

We ended up at a bar that a guy was tending and sitting on the chairs was a girl and you'll never guess who it is! The school slut we had our school that I graduated from and From the looks of the way she's dressed she hasn't changed Stacie Cale was her name and not surprising she's wearing something slutty, she was wearing really short shorts and a crop top that showed to much stomach smh.

When she seen Leo she immediately forgot about the bartender and turned into flirty mode smh again.

Leo looked over her outfit and had a disgusted face on and sat a few seats away from her but she decided to try some more so she sat next to him and started flirting with Leo but Leo just listened to her with a bored look so I sat down one seat away from them and ordered tequila.

When he set it down in front of me I took a big gulp letting it burn down my throat making the feeling some how nice.

Stacie was still trying to flirt with Leo and after 5 minutes I got really tired of it god "dammit" I muttered "Stacie can you not get it in your thick skull Leo. Is. Not. Interested." So get that in your head and I grabbed the red solo cup with tequila and started to walk off feeling her eyes burn into me as I started to walk off, not caring.

I took another drink and it still wasn't effecting me just yet.

I heard footsteps running after me and not caring who it was kept walking to the fence that was over by the road that Leo was racing on soon.

When I got to it I stopped watching as to cars raced off.

"Jealous?" Leo asked when he was next to me "no I just got tired of her shit, she can get annoying very quickly" I said. I faced Leo who was staring at me intently "what?" I asked "nothing he muttered putting some of my hair behind my ear.

I stared at him with curiosity wondering what he was doing "what are you doing?" I asked and he dropped his hand by his side "It's my turn to go race" he muttered looking into my eyes and I just nodded not knowing what else to do.

He then shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded for me to follow him and we walked over to his car and got in and he drove and went and parked in front of the start/finish line and we got out and I walked over to the side lines and almost ran into a girl "sorry" I said and stepped aside "it's alright" the girl said Smiling.

I smiled back and the girl walked over and grabbed to flags as Leo and his opponent got into there's cars starting them.

The girl walked over into the middle to where she won't get hit when they drive off and smirked and yelled READY!, SET...GO!!!! They driver off right as she yelled go and were gone into the night.

She went and set the flags down and walked over to me "hey" she said "hey..." I replied "I'm Olivia" she said holding out her hand "Hazel" I said shaking her hand.

Olivia had long light brown hair, green eyes, and flawless skin and legs that only a girl can dream of. "So who you voting for Kale or Leo?" She asked "Uhhhh probably Leo" I said.

"Yea he'll probably win he usually does" she said looking into the distance to where the cars had drove off to.

"So how far do they have to drive?" I asked "they have to drive to the other line which is a mile and then turn around and come back and who ever hits this line again will win of course" Olivia explained. I just nodded.

I looked up the hill to see the crowd Talking and waiting for who will win.

After some time we heard the sound of car engines and when I could make out who's car was coming i realized it was Leo's and not to far behind was this Kale guy and everyone started cheering on as Leo went over the finish line and got out and a crowd of girls including Stacie ran over to him to congratulate him and flirt a little making a feeling wash over me that I realized was jealousy wait no I can't be jealous Leo is my enemy/sorta a friend you can't like him Hazel

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Olivia whispered in my ear he's staring at you and I looked up and seen Leo staring at me just as Olivia said as for the girls over there were trying to get his attention.

When he got payed for the race we got into his car and drove off I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and cringed at the time 12:34am good thing my parents are out of time or they would kill me I thought.

When Leo pulled over at my house he looked at me "thank you for um taking me" I said slowly.

"No problem" he said back and stared at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked "no he said still staring."

"Then why are you staring at me?" I asked him unsurely "because your so damn beautiful and I desperately want to kiss you" Leo said taking me aback but I quickly recovered and said...

Then do it

And as I said that Leo crashed his lips against mine.

Hello guys another update please comment and like;)💙🙂🙂

Words: 1322

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