Chapter 10

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Hazels POV
It's been a week since me and Leo declared what we basically were(Enemies with Benefits) and we haven't talked since.

It's pretty weird actually I mean when we'd see each other and then stare for a moment and it would either be him or me to break the stare and then we would go our separate ways.

I'm starting to ache for his touch really since his touch and his lips are so irresistible and I love to get drunk off his kisses but since we haven't been talking my lips and skin feel neglected...

I decided to finally get out of bed since I was just laying there staying at the ceiling thinking.

I walked to my closet and grabbed a white lacy, flowy dress and got into the shower.

When I got out I slipped on the dress and blow dried my hair before doing everything else you do in the mornings and then I slipped my my brown sandals that had blue jewels on the top.

I grabbed my phone and wallet and went downstairs and seen my parents were in the kitchen.

"Mom dad! Your back finally" I said gleefully.
"Sorry we had to leave on such a late notice" said my mother.
"It's alright I was fine" I said.
"No party's right?" My dad said suspiciously.
"No" I said laughing
"Good" they said.
"Well I'm gonna go to my friend blakes house" I said.
"ok be carful!" Yelled my parents after me.

Blake and I have been talking a lot more and he invited me to his house so that's where I'm going.

I was walking down the sidewalk and I slipped on rocks and fell right on my ass and heard a laughter and my head snapped to Leo who laughing his ass off when he see me fall.

I stood up and glared at him and walked over to my car unlocking it and then heard footsteps running and a minute later Leo was standing in front of me.

"Yes?" I said.
"What ya doing?" Leo asked.
"Ahh so now you talk to me" I said teasingly.
"Uhhhh yea sorry" He said running his hand through his hair.
"It's alright your forgiven" I said smiling.
"well thank you" he said giving a boyish smile.
"But really what are you doing?" He asked.
"Going to Blakes" I said.
"Oh ok we'll see you later" but I could clearly see the hurt and jealously flash in his eyes but it was gone as fast as it came.
"Ok bye" I said pursing my lips.
He walked back towards his house and I got into my car and drove off.

When I got to his house I started to have second thoughts...
Do I really wanna come over here? Or would I really go back and see Leo?
You would rather go see Leo obviously but of course I can't be rude...

I pulled in front of the house and got out and walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. A minute or so the door was opened by a boy that looked about 13 and had sandy blonde hair with green eyes and looked like Blake a lot in the face.

"Uhhhh who are you?" The boy asked.
"I'm Hazel and I'm looking for Blake" I replied.
"Oh are you Blake's girlfriend?" He smirked.
"Um no were just friends" I said slowly.
"Oh ok well you can come in" he said stepping aside and I walked in.
"I'm Danny, Blake's brother" he said.
"Well hi Danny" I said smiling.
" he smiled back" And then Blake came into view.

"Hey Hazel, I see you met Danny" Blake said.
"Hey Uhhhh yes I did" I said nudging Danny's shoulder.
He looked at me and nudged me back making me laugh a little.

Blake and I went upstairs and we walked into a room that had gray walls, with white carpet, there was a black bed In the corner with a side table and on the wall was written in cursive Blake's Room.

"Welcome to my room" Blake said.
I laughed and said "it's beautiful".
"So whatcha wanna do?" He asked.
"Well...we could talk?" I said.
"Ok what do you wanna talk about?" He asked.
"Let's play 20 questions and if you don't answer you have to..." I said trailing off.
"How about we have to stick out head in an Ice cold bucket?" He asked.
"Ok" I said.

So we grabbed a metal bucket he had and filled it with ice and water and grabbed towels before laying the towels down on his bedroom floor then setting the Bucket on the floor and we both sat on opposite sides of it.

"Ok you first" I said.
"Ok uhhhh who was your first kiss?"
"Nathaniel Burkes" I replied.
"Oh my god really he's like the biggest player in school" Blake said laughing.
"You know he wasn't always like that we dated for awhile and he stole my first kiss" I explained.
"Ok so who was your first kiss?" I asked .
"Haily gwendan" he replied.
"Woah!" I said laughing
"She is a huge nerd and gets a's on every single paper she gets" I said.
"I know" he said.
For the rest of our time together we did that and we had both ended up dunking our heads in the bucket...
I dunked myself in 5times and Blake dunked himself 3times, so with that many it gave me the impression that he was pretty much an open book.

After I left I drove home and walked up stairs, my parents were already in bed and it was 8:30 pm.

I walked into my room and opened my window since Leo was gesturing for me to open it.

"Why is your hair wet?" He asked.
So I explained to him what we did.
"Oh" was all he said when I was done "yea" I replied.

"Well I'm gonna sleep now" I said.
"Yea me to" Leo said.

I then went to sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter:( but please comment, like, or do whatever😂

-love Jamie
Words: 1026

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