Chapter 6

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Hazels POV
Lily and I walked into the mall and of course like always it's busy (not surprising, the mall is an amazing place).

"So where you wanna go first Hazel?"Lily asked.
"Hot topic?" I asked.
"Of course" she chuckled
"Hehe" I laughed a little.

When we entered the rather large store of course it was busy like usual so we decided to kinda hurry so we went around and picked out blue, hot pink, neon green and a really pretty purple nail polish and then some band bracelets and got in line.

We waited for like 5 minutes before we finally got to register to pay for our stuff. "That will be $25.12 please" a girl with blue and pink hair told us and we payed.

We Then walked out and to the side to decide where next...
"Sooooo now where? "I asked
"Ummm forever 21"she said already walking.

By 11:00 we had already had like a lot of bags and had spent a lot of money and so we decided to take all our bags out to the car and go to the cheese cake factory so we took everything out to car and I popped the trunk and we put our stuff in there and we started to walk back to the mall.

We got in line to be seated and we stood in silence for a moment before we started talking  "so"I started "you happy with you got?"I asked. "Happy? I'm excited"she said.

"Me to!!!!! "I said. When we got to the front we asked to be seated out side so we were and a waitress came over.

"Hello I'm Jackie and I will be your waitress today is there anything I can get you to drink?"

"Um I'll have cranberry juice with ice" I said.
"I'll have the same" said Lily.

"Ok I will be back with that then"and she walked away. "Sooooo"Lily said wiggling her eyebrows.
"What"I said confused.
"What is going on with you and Leo??" "Ughhhh"I groaned "do you really think we still like each other?"I asked
"Um yes of course I do, I see the way you guys look at each at each other. " "Yea um with hatred if that is what you mean". I said
"Um most definitely not"she said.
But before I could ask why the waitress Jackie came over and set our drinks down and 2 straws.

"Are you girls ready to order?" she asked "um no sorry"we said sheepishly. "Oh it's fine she said beaming and said she'll back in some time.

I looked at the menu and looked at the lunch specials and other lunch food and decided to get one of the sandwiches they had and closed the menu and set it down to find Lily staring at me expectantly.

"Yes?"I asked.
"I've already decided what I want "she said sipping her cranberry drink so we signaled the waitress over and told her what we want and she wrote it down and walked away.

After she walked away we just sat there in silence until finally she broke the silence "3 months"Lily said.
"Huh?"I said.
"3months till we go to college"she looked down.
"Oh... "I looked down to.

"I have some news..." Lily trailed off.
"What is it?" I asked
"Well I um applied for Harvard your school about a month ago" she said "and a few weeks ago I got a letter saying Ive been accepted" she said smiling making me smile to "and?"I said.

"So I backed out of Yale to go with you!!!!" She said beaming.

"Yes!!!!!" I started bouncing like a 5 year old earning some looks making me blush and look down embarrassed.

"I knew you'd be excited" she said smiling ear to ear.

I couldn't stop smiling because of the news making my cheeks hurt so I tried to stop it which sorta failed and finally stopped when Jackie  the waitress set down our food down.

"Thank you" we said and she walked away to attend to some other people.

We ate and talked until we were finished and then we left to go home.

When we got to our house we separated out stuff and hers and took our stuff in side.

I walked upstairs and into my room and started to take everything out and hanging it.

After I hung all my cloths and put my  accessories away I looked outside and noticed dark grey clouds well looks like it's going to rain I thought and then shut my window.

I walked downstairs and then noticed the note on the table that said sorry honey had an emergency have to go all the way to Montana won't be back for a few weeks be good.
Love mom and dad

I sighed and threw the note in the trash both my parents were travel doctors meaning they were gone most of the time which actually really sucked.

I walked back upstairs and laid down on my bed feeling tired and decided to take a nap and felt myself drifting off to sleep.
I woke up to the sound of rain hitting my window hard and looked outside seeing he rain come down hard.

I then checked the time 5:24pm I sighed and checked my phone.

No messages? Mhmmmm I clicked the off button and got up and stretched and looked out the window and seen Leo laying down on his bed with his beats headphones that were black.

I had red studio beats and also red wireless beats and then decided to also listen to music and grabbed the studio and turned them on and plugged them in my phone and clicked shuffle and hotline bling came on and I started playing 2048 while singing along.

After listening to music for awhile and playing games I took them off and just turned the shuffle on again but without the headphones.

I grabbed my laptop and logged onto Facebook and scrolled threw the feed and noticed In my notifications that it had asked do you know Leo Valdez why yes, yes u do know him and I clicked on his profile and he had a private account like me so I went to push the back button but my computer lagged and it sent him a request...

Noooooo damn you laptop and before I could undo the request he accepted it...

I then got a message on Facebook from Leo and it said I didn't know you stalked me on facebook😏
Me: i don't
Leo: ok whatever you say😉
I then just logged out and looked over into his window and he winked and I rolled my eyes and put my laptop up.

I noticed the rain stopped and opened my window some cause I loved the smell of rain.

I looked over and noticed Leo wasn't in his room and laid down and stared at the ceiling.

I decided to go for a drive and got up and put back on my converse.

I closed my window and grabbed my keys off my bed side table and walked downstairs and grabbed my under armour sweatshirt and walked out side.

I unlocked and got in my car starting it and went to a gas station and then got gas.

I then drove back home and got out and instead of going inside I decided to go for a walk.

I noticed Leo walk out of his house and he asked what I'm doing "uh just going for a walk you?"I asked "going to a street race I'm racing tonight" " oh cool we'll see you later."

He nodded and then stopped at his car "did you wanna come?"Leo asked.

"Ummmmm sure"I said slowly.
"Then come on"he replied.

I got into the passenger seat of his very nice car btw and shut the door and we drove off.

Double update and long chapter cause I haven't updated so yea um anyway like, comment, or just read whatever ya wanna do hehe bye my amazing readers.

Words: 1358

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