Chapter 23

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Hazels POV
I woke up with a pounding headache and I had no cloths on really I guess not unusual since it was with Leo...Right?

At that thought I sat bolt up right making my headache 2x worse and looked around and seen a note along with a bottle of water and two aspirins.

Last night was amazing baby, take the aspirin and drink some water it'll help the hangover I had to go check on the others see you later...

I breathed a sigh of relief and then took the aspirin and drank some water and laid back down.

I stared at the ceiling bored and then got up taking a shower and putting on black skinny jeans a shirt and my ankle converse.

I didn't get far out my door before feeling the urge to throw up and ran back to the bathroom throwing up but didn't think anything of it since I drank a lot the night before.

That day was horrible it consisted of me throwing up and Leo holding my hair back for me and everyone else was sleeping because of there hangover and they weren't even throwing up so what was wrong with me?

"Ugh, why am I throwing up so badly and no one else is?" I complained to Leo who was holding my hair back while I threw up.
"I don't know baby but I'm sure you'll get better maybe you caught something" he wondered and my heart fluttered when he called me baby but that was replaced with me throwing up again.

When I was done Leo laid with me in my bed and grabbed the mini trash can and set it on the floor next to me and then laid next to me so that we were spooning.

I turned over so I could lol at him and we were so close if I just leaned in just 2inches we would be kissing.

I stared into his eyes while he stared into mine. Leo then closed the space between our lips.

Leo slowly got on top of me so he could kiss me better and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He parted my lips and explored my mouth invading every inch of it. Our kiss was clearly full of passion and I was enjoying every second of it.

When we broke apart Leo laid back down next to me and went to wrap me in his arms but to my disappointment I ended up rolling over and throwing up into the trash can.

When I was done I took a drink of water and cuddled with Leo and we fell asleep.

The next day was just as bad because I threw up most of day. I laid down alone cause Leo had to do some stuff with his family.

I started to think if I've had my period this month and counted the 28 days all to when I should have it and then my heart stopped altogether my period was late.

I literally jumped out of bed and grabbed my keys to my car and ran to my car and drove all the way to Walgreens, my heart going 100mph oh god what would my parents think if I was pregnant they'd be so disappointed.

I swerved into a parking place and speed walked into it and grabbed four pregnancy tests and got in line.

When I got to the front the cashier gave me look and shook her head "have a good night" she said handing my recite and change.

I grabbed the bag and drove home. When I got home I walked upstairs and seen Leo sitting on my bed and he looked up when he heard me come in.

"Where were you?" He wondered.
"I just had to go grab something" I sighed running my hands through my hair.
He nodded and I stuck the bag in my desk and sat next to him.
"What did you get?" He asked.
"Just a uh pack of socks" I said looking at the desk.
"Why did you get some of those?" Leo laughed.
"My feet were cold and I was running low" I fake pouted.

We watched a movie and I was getting more anxious by the moment I sighed chewing on the side of my mouth when the movie ended.

"Why are you so anxious and tense baby?" Leo frowned rubbing my back.
"I don't know just have some stuff on my mind I guess..." I trailed off more like worried as hell that I'm gonna be pregnant and your gonna leave me... I thought.
He nodded knowing I didn't really wanna explain anything at the moment.

Leo kissed my temple and hugged me from the side.
"Want me to get you a glass of water?" He asked me.
"Yea sure" I sighed.
Leo got up and walked out of the room coming back a few minutes later with two glasses of water.

He handed me one and I took a few gulps and held it in my hand sitting criss cross on my bed and taking another sip feeling the coolness go down my throat.

Leo pulled me close laying me down next to me and mumbling somethings into my hair "what was that?" I asked him.
Leo cleared his throat and said more clearly "I think I love you" he said looking me in the eye and my heart completely and I replied without any hesitation "I am to" I smiled and ear to ear smile.

He kissed me and I kissed back before we both laid down and cuddled. An hour later and I was sure Leo was asleep I got out of bed and slowly walked over to my desk and grabbed the bag out and carefully without making any sound went into the bathroom and shut and locked the door.

I grabbed one of the tests and sat down...
5 minutes later.

Fuck Fuck fuck of God all of them said the exact same thing the thing that I was afraid of...positive.

I hate to do this to y'all but I won't be updating till next weekend I know I'm cruel but I did update 3 times this weekend so you all will have to wait till next weekend to find out what happens and unfortunately only a few more chapters and this book will be ending but that only means the sequel will start how many of you are excited? I am!!!! Anyway hope you enjoy!!!

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-love Jamie💙💙

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