Chapter 24: Race to Witch Mountain

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“Hurry it up boy, those policemen will be hunting you down” Ante said, as he tugged John’s wrist, as they ran away from the scene. One of the policemen was looking around and saw John and Ante running away. Then he also ran towards John and Ante.

“Halt! Przestań!Oboje (Halt! Stop! The both of you)” said the policeman who was now chasing John and Ante.

“Come on John. Hurry and follow me beside this dumpster” Ante said, as he pulled John to the alley.

“Jestem zainteresowanie powrotem do góry. Dwóch podejrzanych członków czarnej strony są ścigani przez mnie. Proszę wysłać posiłki (I am requesting back up. Two suspected members of the black hand are being chased by me. Please send reinforcements)” said the policeman who stopped over and called on the telephone.

“John do you trust me?” Ante asked, as he and John were hiding behind the dumpster.

“Why should I? We only have met” John answered with a confused look.

“That’s close enough” Ante said, as he stepped out of his hiding place.

“What the hell are you doing Ante?” John shouted.

“John, I am a friend of Gavrillo. They got Gavrillo, I must go with them, but you are innocent” Ante said, as he faced the policemen, who already drew their guns pointed at Ante.

“Ten człowiek nie jest członkiem czarnej strony jest. Tylko ja, więc zabierz mnie (That man is not a member of the black hand. Only me, so take me away)” Ante said, as he was handcuffed, and laid to the ground. John then started to walk slowly away from the scene.

Then John was walking towards the crowd of people. The streets were filled with lots of gossip and chatter. It was like a marketplace. A few policemen were already there on the scene, examining the area.

John then saw a small boy selling a few branded newspapers. The New York times, The onion and a few Le Pettite Parisien. He took one and read the front cover.

“. SARAJEVO, Bosnia, June 28,.)-- Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria- Hungary, and his wife, the Durchess of Hohenberg, were shot and killed by a Bosnian student here today. The fatal shooting was the second attempt upon the lives of the couple during the day, and is believed to have been the result of a political conspiracy.Archduke was shot in the face, and duchess was shot in the abdomen and throat. Couple escaped bomb before bullets were fired. Double murder most shocking of numerous tragedies recorded in annals of house of Hapsburg. Royal victim was warned of the murder conspiracy but disregarded warning….”

He couldn’t take the pressure of what happened, so he sat down on the river side, looking at the sun’s reflection.

“In a few months, world war I shall begin. Both sides will loose lots of bloodshed. But everything must go according to what has happened. There is nothing I can do to change the past. Absolutely nothing” John said, as he threw a small pebble on the river.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, a small police car, stopped in front of John.

“What the hell is this?” John asked Ante, who was driving the police car.

“Ride on, and let me explain on the way. For now, we need to get rid of them” Ante said as he pointed at the other policemen who were now chasing the both of them. Ante quickly stepped on the gas, and their car zoomed forward.

“How the hell did you get this car?” asked John to Ante.

“Well, I pretended that I know Princip so when the policemen grabbed me, I got them in chains instead of me, using a little martial arts” Ante answered as he drove the car. Suddenly, they were  in front of a cliff. Ante said:

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