Chapter 20: The Fatal Face-off

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“Monsieur, l'ennemi est en vue! Lafayette est proche et il mène la charge(Sir, the enemy is within sight! Lafayette is near and he is leading the charge)” said one of the soldiers of the guerilla as he reports to Angelico that one fine morning.

“Hey, wake up John. Get ready, they’re coming for us” Angelico said as he wakes up John.

“What?....Who’s coming?” John lazily asked.

“Lafayette. Well, I think we are done for. We are vastly outnumbered with a rate of five for one. We must get out of here now” Angelico said as he faced his soldiers.

“No, actually, we are in an advantage here” John said.

“How?” Angelico asked.

“Look at this cathedral. Its walls are made of five inch thick concrete. It was made to withstand a siege. But the only problem will be the weak door because its made of wood. Our best chance is to barricade the door, and shoot them as they come towards us. Then, as they jam those narrow paths, they will be easier to surrender” John said, as he points towards the narrow stone pathway at the front of the cathedral.

“You’re right! Now, if my men can position themselves in the right place then we can withstand those attacking forces. John you are brilliant. We must rouse the troops! Hurry up and shout répondre maintenant!” Angelico said, as he pats John’s shoulder.

“What does that mean? Raspberry marmalade” John asked.

“Its répondre maintenant. It means meeting now! Now hurry we don’t have much time” Angelico said.

As John wakes up the other troops, Angelico starts barricading the door with the help of the other soldiers. They placed the church statues, chairs and other things on the door. When everyone was awake inside the chapel, Angelico stood in the altar of the church.

“Hommes, aujourd'hui, nous allons être confrontés à une bataille géante. Nous allons tacher ces étages de la cathédrale, non seulement avec notre sang, mais aussi avec le sang des autres. Tout peut sembler sombre, car nous sommes surpassés en nombre, avec cinq pour un. Mais nous avons un avantage ici. Nous avons le terrain! Tant que nous pouvons tenir cette place assez longtemps que nous pouvons obtenir cette grâce! Les Frenchies habitude savent même pas ce qui leur arrive une fois tout cela sera fini. Une fois que vous perdez votre arme grab tout ce que vous pouvez trouver. Maintenant, les hommes, faisons France fier! Détruisons la monarchie!( Men, today we will be facing a giant battle. We will stain these cathedral floors with not just our blood but also with the blood of others. Everything may seem bleak, for we are outnumbered with five to one. But we have an advantage here. We have the terrain! As long as we can hold this up long enough we can get this through! Those Frenchies wont even know what hit them once this is all over. Once you loose your weapon grab whatever you can find. Now men, let us make France proud! Let us destroy the monarchy!)” after that Angelico finished as he stood down from the altar, drew his sword and raised it high. As he raised it high everyone cheered and they also drew their swords and raised their guns. John whispered to himself.

“Ha! If only they knew that I got those tactics off the movie 300” John said as he giggled.

“Tout le monde se mettre en position. Recharger vos fusils, briller vos épées et corriger vos baïonnettes! Préparer à l'impact.( Everyone get in position. Reload your rifles, shine your swords and fix your bayonets! Brace for impact.)” John said, as everyone raised to the second floor. The others stayed on the ground and aimed for the door. John also got a musket and stayed next to Angelico. As their heart beats began to pound, and as their sweats draw their marks on their forehead, the loud banging of the enemy’s drums can be heard.

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