Chapter Two

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C H A P T E R | T W O

It is currently 11:56pm. Caspar had left for his date a few hours ago.

I was sat on the couch in the living room, binge watching Criminal Minds and stuffing my face with food.

"Oh, Reid Spencer, you are so hot," I mumble into my duvet as Reid comes onto the screen.

A sudden knock at the door makes me jump and I pause the show.

Probably Caspar, forgetting his key. Again! I think to myself.

I go over to the door and open it. "Fucking hell Caspar, remember your key for once. This is the 4th time already this week," I say, not looking at him.

The person at the door clears their throat and says, "it's not Caspar."

I freeze. I hadn't expected to hear that oh so familiar voice ever again.

"Joe?" I question, finally looking at him. He hasn't changed a bit. He's still his beautiful self.

No, Arielle, don't think like that. I think to myself.

"Hi," he mumbles. He is staring at me. With his oh so beautiful eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I grumble, glaring at him.

He clears his throat again and says, "erm, Caspar said I could crash here for a few weeks as I apartment hunt."

Oh, I'm so going to give Caspar a piece of my mind when he's back.

I give him a fake sorry face. "Well, as you can see Caspar isn't here right now so you're going to have to go somewhere else." With that I go to slam the door in his face but he puts his foot in the way.

"Look, A, I know-" I cut him off.

"It's Arielle to you." I glare at him. Has he forgotten what happened? Who gives him the right to use my nickname?

"Sorry, Arielle, look, I know we're not on the best of terms right now and I understand if you hate my guts, but Caspar said I could stay. It's only for a few weeks. I won't be in your way, I mean, you'll hardly see me," he tries to reason.

I keep glaring at him but this time I only imagine it's Caspar. He's so dead. He could've at least warned me Joseph Sugg was coming.

"Fine," I mutter. "You can have the couch."

"Thank you so much," he says, smiling at me. I give him a short smile back. He rolls his suitcase in and I close the door. I walk over to the living room and quickly tidy up a bit. I turn the light on and -


He's even more hotter when the lights are on. The way his hair would fall in front of his beautiful blue eyes and he'd have to push it back with his hand. The white shirt he was wearing under his leather jacket hung tightly to his chest and I could see the outline of his six pack perfectly.

Goddammit, Arielle, stop it!

I shake my head, slightly and stammer out, "I-er-I'll go get s-some duvets and-er-pillows."

He nods in thanks. I think I see a hint of a smile on his face.

As I walk down the stairs, I mentally scowl at myself. How does he still have this affect on me? I should be over him, and I was nearly going to be. Until he shows up at the door. Now I know if he's here my feelings are just going to come back. And they shouldn't. Not after what happened.

Ugh, Caspar, why would you do this?


It is currently 3:42am and I am still up, this time trying to finish editing Caspar's video for this week. You could say I'm Caspar's 'personal' editor. I would edit some of his videos just because he was either too lazy or extremely busy. Mainly the former, I mean, it's goddamn Caspar Lee we're talking about here.

As I'm trying to finish editing the outro, my stomach suddenly rumbles and I place a hand over my stomach.

"Fucking hell, stomach, shut up," I mumble to myself - I have a thing for talking to myself. I decide to get up and go upstairs for some food.

I lightly run upstairs, taking two steps at a time, and make my way to the fridge. I hear a light snoring from the couch and look over. I am squinting my eyes - it is pretty dark, the only light being the light from a laptop. There I see Joe sleeping soundly on the sofa. I smile softly to myself as I watch him sleep for a few seconds.

A sudden memory comes to me.

It was a Friday night and I had gotten up around 1:30am due to someone's arm being thrown over my waist. I looked over and saw Joe, half his face nuzzled into my neck. His laptop was on the other side of him, still on his editing program and I chuckled lightly. He fell asleep editing once again. I got up slowly and turned his laptop off, not before saving his work of course.

After setting his laptop down on the floor, I went back to my previous position. I lightly kissed Joe on the nose and saw him smile to himself. I smiled too and settled back into his arms.

My eyes glaze over with tears as I think about the memory. I shouldn't be thinking of him - though it is quite possibly hard to when he's staying under the same roof as you - and memories of him shouldn't be so fresh in my mind. They're like stab wounds and I'm still healing from the pain. It hurts so much to think of him or anything associated to him. It hurts to think about what we once were; how just a few months ago we were such a happy, loving couple but now we're nothing but another broken relationship over something so so stupid.

I quickly shake my head of the thoughts and go over to the couch. I slowly take his laptop off his lap and turn it off for him. We may not be on the best of terms right now but I wasn't going to be a bitch and let his laptop heat up over night.

Placing it on the coffee table, I slowly turn around to go back to my room. However, I suddenly stop in my tracks. I turn back to face him. I stare at his beautiful face for what feels like forever - I could stare at him all day if I had to. I am debating about what I am about to do next.

Do I do this? Do I risk it all? He could wake up at any minute now and see me. But then again, he might not.

"Fuck it," I mutter and bend down to his level. I give him a quick, but soft, kiss on the forehead before speedily rushing back to my room.

I don't know what got into me. I don't know why I thought I had the need to kiss him. Kiss him again like nothing ever happened. But I did. And oh so how I miss that. I miss us. I miss him. But I know I can't go back to him.


A/N: Damn, intense already. Not really but yeah, lol.

So, how'd you like the new chapter? Comment what you think! And vote if you like it, haha.

-will edit when complete-


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