Chapter Nine

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C H A P T E R | N I N E

Joe immediately got up and he held out a hand for me to grab on to. It took a moment for me to register what was happening, but when I did, I grabbed his hand and he helped me stand up.

There was a man standing in front of us. He looked to be at least 50 years old. He was wearing some messed up clothes; tears all over his jeans, holes in his shirt and he had some ruined flip flops on. He had a look in his eye that I couldn't decipher and a smirk on his face that was very creepy. I had never seen him before in my life and from Joe's facial expression, neither had he.

"Who are you?" Joe asked the man. The man grinned menacingly and stroked his dirty grey beard. He didn't reply to the question; instead, he took a step forward. We took a step back.

I hadn't notice, but I subconsciously grabbed onto Joe's hand and held it.

"Did you hear me or what?" Joe asked again.

I lightly slapped his arm and whispered, "don't provoke him, you never know what he can do."

"Listen to your girlfriend, son. You never know what I could do," the man uttered, the grin still plastered on his face. He took another step closer to us. We took another step back.

"When I say run, you run, got it?" Joe mumbled, softly, letting go of my hand. I nodded.

"I wouldn't run if I were you," creepy man replied.


I took off sprinting at that point. I didn't look back. All I could hear was the sound of my footsteps. No one else's. Not even Joe's.

I slowed down a bit and quickly hid in a bush. I may have been away from the park, but I wasn't going to risk being in the open. I wasn't that far from the park so from my hiding spot, the park was still in view. As I was still a tad drunk, my vision was blurry. And the dark didn't help either. I couldn't see anyone at the park. Not even the outline of people.

"Fuck," I muttered to myself.

I didn't want to be in the open, I just wanted to go home, but I couldn't leave Joe like that. Anything could've happened to him.

I paced around the bush for a few minutes and bit my nail as I thought of the worst things that could've happened to Joe.

What if the man killed him?

Or took him hostage?

Or what if the man killed him and is selling his body parts?

God, Arielle, don't think like that.

A sudden sound of footsteps running my way took me out of my thoughts.

I stayed hidden in my place. I watched as the figure got closer and closer to me. When they were close enough, I squinted my eyes to make out who it was.


I jumped out of the bushes, giving Joe the fright out his life. I ran towards him and jumped on him, embracing him in a huge hug.

"You're alive! Oh my god, I thought you died!" I exclaimed into his neck as I tightened my embrace. I felt Joe's arms slid around my waist as he hugged me back.

"I was looking everywhere for you! Where did you go?" We both pulled away from the hug however, we were still in each other's arms. I didn't seem to notice and neither did Joe.

"You told me to run, so I just ran. I didn't know where I was going. But what the fuck happened to you?" I didn't notice till then that Joe had scratches on his face and his left eye was badly bruised.

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