Chapter Fourteen

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C H A P T E R | F O U R T E E N

I slipped through the front door without making any noise. It was 9:30PM. I had been out the whole day.

I spent the day with Sophia and Declan. Sophia was so nice and kind. I couldn't believe she was a single mother! She was young when she had gotten pregnant, so was the father. He didn't want the burden of a child so young.

I don't know how the father could say that, though. Declan was such a smart child. He knew all the dinosaurs names off by heart, which I was impressed by for someone his age. He was so happy as well. I don't think I ever saw him once sad or cry when I was with them.

I made sure to exchange numbers with Sophia before I left; I wanted to get to know the happy mother and son more.

All the lights in the house were off and I was hoping no one was home. I was hopeful. However as I got closer to the stairs, all the hope vanished as I could hear muffled talking coming from downstairs.

I crept down the stairs, stepping over the steps that I knew creaked. As I got closer, I could tell which room the talking was coming from.

My room.

The door wasn't fully closed so I could see into the room. Through the gap I saw 3 people.

And they were all the people I did not want to deal with.

Joe, Hanna and Jack.

I tried to quickly get up the stairs but I forgot about the creaky steps and stepped on one. A loud creak echoed through the house. The talking stopped in my room and I mentally cussed myself.

I scrambled up the stairs but a voice stopped me.

"Arielle?" Jack questioned. It was dark, no one could really see. For all they know, I could be a robber.

I slowly spun around and squeaked out from the top of the stairs, "hi."

"Fuck, A, you scared us! You just disappeared!" Jack exclaimed, running up the stairs and engulfed you in a hug. I hugged him back, awkwardly, still confused about what happened between us.

I glanced over Jack's shoulder to see Joe and Hanna stood at the bottom of the stairs, awkwardly. Hanna was staring at the wood floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world and Joe rubbed the back of his neck, his feet shuffling on the spot.

It's now or never, A, just get the answers you need, my mind told me. And it was right. It was now or never.

"Jack, I need to talk to you," I stated. He pulled away from the hug, his hand sliding down my arm to intertwine our hands together. I quickly pulled my hand away and turned around so my back was facing the boy.

I decided it'd be best to talk to Jack first. Find out what the fuck happened last night. Then I'd talk to Hanna. Find out her side of her story. I left Joe to last. Only because I was still unsure if I wanted to face him. Things were still awkward. Things were sure to be more awkward after this.


"So, you're telling me, Josh dared me to kiss either you or Conor and I kissed you. Then you asked me to be your girlfriend and I said yes? And then we ended up in bed together?"

Jack nodded.

Turns out the reason Jack was so coupley was because I had said yes when he asked me out.

"I'm so sorry, Jack, but," I started off, however he stopped me. He knew where this was going.

"No, don't. It's fine. I understand. You still love Joe. I can see it in your eyes." He gave me a small smile and I returned it. "It was too good to be true, anyway."

"Oh, Jack," I said, softly and pulled him to my side of the couch for a hug. "I really am sorry. I know I probably led you on, I honestly did not mean to. I was drunk. You know what I'm like when I'm drunk."

"A, it's fine. Stop apologising. Just answer me this," he paused before smirking, "was it good sex?"

"From what my mind is piecing together, yeah, yeah it was," I replied.

We both laughed and Jack said he had to go.

I walked him to the front door and he smiled as he walked out. Before he left, he turned around and said, "if you ever wanna go at it again, you know who to call." He winked at me and I giggled, waving bye.

I closed the door and turned around to look at the stairs.

One down, two to go!


"A, please," Hanna tried to plead. Joe was standing behind her, looking guilty as fuck. And they were guilty.

My best friend, more like ex best friend, and the man I love had sex. They fucking slept together!

"Get out! Get out of my house! Get out of my life! I can't believe you, Hanna! How could you do this to me? You knew how I felt! You knew everything! And you!" I pointed my finger at Joe. He didn't look at me. "You! After everything! You come back into my life, only for you to make it go to shit again! God, to think I thought I still loved you!"

I still love him.

"I just want you guys out," I finally whispered. I walked over to the door and opened it for them. Hanna walked out first, sending me a sorry look; I ignored her.

"Arielle, please hear me out," Joe said, stopping in front of me, but I pushed him out.

He said that the first time, don't believe him, my mind warned me.

"Fuck off." And with that I slammed the door shut.

However, I was able to hear the words Hanna said right before the door closed,

"You can come back to mine, Joe."

Everything I kept bottled in exploded inside me and soon, my fist made full on connection with the wall beside the front door.

This was the perfect time when I needed my best friends.

However, life hates me so much that it took them both away from me.

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