Chapter Fifteen

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C H A P T E R | F I F T E E N

"Arielle, Arielle, please open the door. Don't shut me out. Let me in," the voice of Conor said from the other side of the front door.

I laid on my couch, my hand bandaged up. I stared up at the ceiling, trying to block out Conor.

I just wanted to be alone. I didn't want to talk or socialise with anyone. I wanted everyone to leave me alone.

"Arielle! I know you're in there! Open the goddamn door!" He started to bang on the door and I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off, Conor, I don't want to speak to anyone!" I yelled back.

The banging stopped and Conor said, "well, you just spoke to me, so open the door."

I groaned, getting up, and opened the front door. I was greeted by Conor's tired face. Understandable, seeing as he had been banging on the door for the past hour or so.

"What?" I asked, grumpily.

"Talk to me."



"I said no! I don't want to talk about it."

"Come on, stop bottling up your feelings. You did this after your break up with Joe and look how that worked out," he mentioned and I thought back to that time.

I was a mess after the break up, I'll admit that. I pushed away everyone for a month, I didn't want to talk to anyone about my feelings and emotions. I was able to get over it with the help of Caspar and Hanna. They were there for me throughout everything.

But at this point in time, neither of them were.

Maybe Conor can help, you are pretty close.

I sighed and sat down on the couch. Conor took a seat next to me. I looked down at my hands, "I just...I don't know, I just feel angry, hurt, upset. Like, how could they do that? Hanna knew everything! She knew about my reappearing feelings I have for him. She knew about how upset I was after the break up. I cried to her about all the shit that we went through. I just never thought she would sleep with the man she knows I love. And Joe, I don't even know how I feel about him. I can't tell if I'm angry or upset. I know I have no right feeling those things, but I do feel it. He has been acting so...weird with me lately, I don't get it. He acts as if he still feels something towards me, but next thing you know, he's sleeping with my best friend! I'm just hurt and angry, really," I ranted. Tears glazed over my eyes and I sniffed, my nose running.

"Oh, Arielle," Conor cooed, moving closer and wrapping his arms around me. I choked out a sob, my face buried into his shoulders, my arms wrapped around his waist.

"I don't know what to do," I sobbed, my voice muffled into his shirt.

"Nothing, things will plan out how they should. I'm telling you now, that boy has unconditional love for you, sooner or later it will hit him that he fucked up and he'll be begging for forgiveness," he uttered, pulling away. I sniffed and looked at my lap. "As for Hanna, if she truly cares about you and your friendship, she'll come running for forgiveness. Now, I'm not telling you to forgive them. Hell, don't forgive them and just leave them behind. But, do you really want to lose that? Your best friend? The love of your life? I don't think so. Joe loves you, A, he really does. He wouldn't just sleep with another girl, your best friend for that matter, just for the fun of it. He was highly intoxicated; he wasn't thinking straight." I looked back at him.

"Being under the influence of alcohol isn't an excuse."

"I know, I know, but please, don't let this ruin it. You and Joe are meant to be. I can see how much you love each other from just seeing you two in the same room! The sexual tension is overwhelming," Conor said, scrunching his face up in disgust. I blushed and looked away again. "Just listen to me, A,

don't let this ruin you."


I spent the rest of the day with Conor. We ended up spending the day playing FIFA and just chilling. Later on, we were going to head to the club with the other boys. I had no idea if Joe was coming or not. However, I knew if he did, I was going to avoid him at all costs.

I know I should listen to Conor. I have a gut feeling he is right, but my gut doesn't tell me that. My gut tells me to avoid the two of them for a while. Maybe in the future, I may hear them out and see where things lead, but for now, I was going to avoid them. I was still hurt and angry.

I tried to forget about all the problems I had going on in my life. But my mind felt like telling me otherwise.

Hanna hates you, that's why she slept with Joe.

Joe doesn't even love you.

Caspar prefers his girlfriend over you.

So many thoughts overflowed my mind and all I felt like doing was cry. I didn't feel like going out anymore. I didn't feel like socialising anymore. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep.

However, I know that isn't the best way to spend my time so I forced myself to go to that clubs with the boys.


"You didn't tell me they would be here!"

My eyes narrowed onto the 4 people that were walking over to our table. Caspar and Kasey had their hands linked, giggling to themselves. Hanna and Joe were walking together, Hanna clearly trying to inch her way closer to Joe but he was having none of it. I was confused when I saw Joe send Hanna a dirty look when she tried to intertwine their hands.

I ignored it and turned to look at Conor who was smiling sheepishly at me. "Sorry, A, I couldn't say no."

"Whatever. I'm going to the bar if you need me." I got up from my seat on the table and made a beeline to the bar. I sat on one of the stools and sighed.

"What's wrong, pretty gal?" A feminine voice cooed from the bar. I looked up to come face to face with a lady, about 25 years old, who was covered in tattoos. She had about every piercing you could think of and her face was plastered with dark makeup. She stood behind the bar, cleaning cups. The bar wasn't packed; everyone being on the dance floor.

I avoided her question and quickly said, "nothing, really, can I just get four shots of vodka?" I had no intentions of talking about my feelings; I just needed to get shit faced drunk and not remember anything in the morning.

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