Chapter Four

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C H A P T E R | F O U R

"Guys, I'm home!" I shouted as I opened the front door. I heard a series of hellos and gunshots come from the living area and I walked in. There I saw Caspar, Joe and Oli White sat on the couch, playing 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3'.

"Oli!" I exclaimed and ran to hug him. As he was sat down, I threw my arms around his neck from behind and gave him a hug like that. "I haven't seen you since that party last Friday! How have you been?"

He chuckled and said, "that party fucked me up so I stayed in that weekend. Plus, I had to go down to see my family as it was my parents anniversary on Tuesday. How have you been?"

"You know, same old, same old," I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders.

He gave me a questioning look and uttered, "are you sure it's been the same old, same old?" He then gestured towards Joe, who was busy been sucked into the game to notice we were talking about him.

"Well, I mean, it's weird and awkward around the flat, I guess, but I'm dealing with it," I muttered and walked over to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed myself a bottle of water.

Oli waited till I was sat on the armchair next to him before he said, quietly, "I get what you mean. I'd find it pretty awkward if my ex came to stay with me for a bit."

"Yeah," I murmured into my water. "I mean, I can't actually say no to this arrangement as I may be Caspar's best friend but so is Joe," I said. I looked over at Joe and Caspar to see that they're both still fully invested in the game.

"Ah, for fucks sake!" Caspar shouted as he jumped up from his seat. Joe smirked and lightly threw the controller on the table.

"Ha, won once again! You're actually really shit at this, mate," Joe said, laughing. "Do you need me to teach you how to play?" He cooed as if Caspar was a child - which is somewhat true, if you ask me.

"Oh, shut up, Sugg. You may be good at this but I'm still better than you at FIFA," Caspar exclaimed.

I laughed and piped in, "Caspar, my friend, I'm better than you at FIFA so shut your mouth."

"Hey, why would you say that? Joe didn't have to know that!" He mumbled, frowning.

"Joe already knew about that, Casp. After all the times I beat him when we were toge-" I stopped mid-sentence when I realised what I was going to say. Joe scratched the back of his neck and looked down while I tried to think of something else to talk about. Luckily, Oli came to my rescue.

"Right, well, I'm flipping starving. Anyone up for some Nandos?" He said, clapping his hand and standing up. The atmosphere shifted to a positive one as we all talked about what we wanted from Nandos.


After dinner at Nandos, Joe decided to head back with Oli to his apartment so they could film a video. So that left me and Caspar.

We were walking down the street our flat was on when I brought up his date.

"So, Casp, you were never able to tell me how the date went. How about now?" I smirked. I saw Caspar blush and look away. I chuckled and linked arms with him. "Aw, was it that good that you're blushing?" I gushed, "cute."

"Shut up, A," he said, still blushing. I laughed and nudged him so he'd start talking. "Okay, well, I got to her house and holy shit, she looked absolutely amazing."

I smiled, softly as Caspar talked on and on about how beautiful she looked. And now that we were speaking of her, I remembered that I didn't actually know her name.

"Wait a minute, Casp," I said, stopping him from going on about her. "You never actually told me her name."

"Oh shit, sorry. Yeah, her name is Kasey, and my days, A, she's amazing. I can't wait for you to meet her. But anyway, we took an Uber to the restaurant and it just went wonderfully. Seriously. We have so much in common. Turns out she's a huge pizza fan. Can you believe that? Someone who loves pizza as much as me!" He exclaimed and did a little skip in his step. Seeing as my arm was linked to his, he ended up dragging me with him.

"Wow there, cowboy, calm your horses," I said, laughing and stopped him skipping. "If you wanna skip, don't drag me along," I uttered and let go of him. He chuckled but didn't carry on skipping. He carried on walking beside me as he talked about his date. I smiled softly as he talked. "Caspar," I said.

He stopped talking and said, "yeah?"

"You really like her, don't you?" I asked him.

He blushed and looked down at the ground. He looked back up and with a smile, he said, "yeah. I even think she might be the one, you know. I mean, yeah, we just met but you can't put a time on love." He sighed, contently and I smiled again.

"Aw, Casp. That is so cute!" I gushed. He blushed harder and looked back at the ground.

"Shut up, A," he mumbled but I saw a hint of a smile on his face. He looked at me and said, "anyway, enough about me. How's your love life?"

"Mate, I'm riding solo for a while. You know that already," I replied.

"You sure about that? I mean, a certain someone did just reappear into your life," he said, smirking and nudged me. I glared at him and looked ahead of me. Damn, the walk home is taking forever.

"Yeah, well, we all know who we have to blame for that," I said, harshly and nudged him back. But harder. He sharply took a breath in and rubbed where I hit him.

"Ow! There was no need for that!" He complained. "And anyway, I know there's still some kind of feelings for him inside," he said, gesturing to my heart.

"No, there's not," I lied. Okay, so maybe a tiny weeny part of me did still have some sort of feelings for him. But hell to the no was I going to tell anyone about that. I mean, it's been what? 4 months since we broke up? Surely I'm suppose to be over him by now...right?

Plus, I know if I tell Caspar, he'll end up blurting it out in front of him and that's not something I want. Not now. Not ever.

"I know you're lying," Caspar said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm not lying," I lied again. I didn't like lying to Caspar, I mean, I never lie to Caspar, but this is one thing no one could know about. Not even Caspar.

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