Chapter Twenty

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C H A P T E R | T W E N T Y

His hands roam my body as I tangle mine in his soft brown hair. I softly bite his bottom lip causing his mouth to slightly ajar, allowing my tongue access. His hand makes its way under my shirt. I can feel his fingers caress my sides as he moves his hands higher. My hands make their way from his hair down his back, all whilst we continue to make out. I grab the hem of his shirt and tug it off him. Our lips part, but soon find their way back to each other once his shirt is off.

I feel his hand inch its way closer to my left boob, however, before anything can progress any further, the doorbell goes off. This causes Joe to jump off the couch and rush to slip his shirt back on.

I stay in my position, mentally shouting at the person behind the door that decided to ruin this moment I've been craving for so long.

Getting up from the couch with a sigh, I slide past Joe and to the front door.

Ready to glare at the culprit, I swing open the door to have my jaw drop 100 metres.

In the mist of what happened in the last 24 hours, I had completely forgotten that the woman that had birthed me was coming over.

"Arielle, sweetie, close your mouth, you don't want to catch flies."


I sit on my couch, watching my mother walk around my flat, inspecting everything. She glides her finger across the kitchen isle, looking at her fingertip after to look for dust. When she finds none, she slightly tuts, moving onto the next thing.

Her current boyfriend, Hank, sits on the arm chair, looking nervous but he hides it well with a stone cold face. Joe went downstairs to his room, giving me some time to "catch up" with my mother.

"So, mum, why are you here?" I question, coldly.

She turns back to look at me with a disproving expression, and takes a seat on the other side of the couch. The arm chair Hank is sat on is on her left, so when she turns to face me, I feel like I'm being interrogated by two officers, who is just my bitch of a mother and her boyfriend.

"Is it against the law to see my daughter now?" She asks, crossing one leg over the other.

I scoff loudly, a look of disgust on my face. "Are you fucking serious right now?"

"Arielle, don't use that language!" She scowls, pointing her right index finger at me.

"You bitch! You have no fucking right to tell me what to do!" I lash out, everything I was able to keep bottled up for so long, suddenly being thrown into the air, "I haven't seen you in three years! Three years! You haven't even tried to make any contact with me for at least two! And now you think you have the fucking right to waltz back into my life telling me that you can see me?! No! Just no! You are a bitch! I get it that I moved out and all but you could've still came to see me! I'm your daughter for fucks sake! But instead, I have to hear through fucking Anne, goddamn Anne, that you left the country to fucking travel with a dickhead! I didn't even get a goodbye, or at least get told that you were even leaving!"

"Arielle, calm down," she tries to calm me.

I jump up from my seat, glaring at the lady I have the displeasure of calling mother in front of me, "No! I won't calm down! I was abandoned by the one person that I should've had by my side! I know I can't talk 'cause I am not the best daughter, hell I hate you if I'm being honest, but you're my mother and I would never just get up and leave without telling you. Hell, I've been sending you texts every month to just let you know that I'm still alive and well! But what did I get in return? Nothing! Fucking nothing! Now you ring me telling me you need to talk, so go on! Fucking tell me what you want! Why are you fucking here, mother?! Because if I'm being honest, I was doing just fine before you came!"

Her face doesn't move an inch. No look of regret or remorse, instead she looks at me with the same disproving expression.

"Arielle, I only came here to tell you that I'm getting married," she grins menacingly, showing off her ring and holds Hank's hand in hers. "...and that I am selling the house. So I would like you to go back and pack up anything you would like to keep."

I. Am. Gobsmacked. What the actual fuck?

"Oh my god," I whisper to myself as I pace around the room. I stop in front of the TV and my mother turns towards me. "Are you serious? You only came to tell me that? Oh my god, I'm fucking angry at myself for being surprised and actually thinking you came for me."

It's like she ignores anything I say, as she just replies with, "we are also moving to Hawaii, so this may be the last time you see me for a while."

Scoffing, I take a seat back where I was, "good." Is all I say.

"So, you have until the end of the week to get everything out of the old house. Here's the key, leave it under the mat when you're done," she orders. With that, she gets up from her seat, her fiancé following behind, and makes her way to the door.

"Is that it? What about your wedding?" I ask.

I cannot believe her. She's really just going to leave like that, after bombshells like that are dropped on me? God, why do I ever think she'll change? She's a bitch. A cold hearted bitch.

"The wedding is in Hawaii at the end of August. If you can make it to the states, you're more than welcome to come," she replies as she opens the front door. Hank walks out, and she says to him, "go to the car, baby, I'll be there in a minute."

Hank looks at me, giving me a smile that looks sort of apologetic, and that says something for the first time, "it was lovely meeting you, Arielle."

"Likewise," I say, returning the smile to be friendly.

Once he's out of sight, my mother turns to me, "So, Arielle," she starts, "I really did not appreciate that tone in front of Hank. I'm so disappointed in you."

I roll my eyes, scoffing for the third time at her, "just leave it, mum. It's done now. And I don't regret any of it. So, you can fuck off now and go forget your daughter and live your wonderful life!" I say, with so much fake enthusiasm.

She goes to say something that looks like it would hurt but stops herself. Instead, she just leaves it at, "bye, Arielle. See you in Hawaii...if you can afford it."

I watch her walk away, my eyes boring daggers into her back, and the minute she's out of my sight, I throw the door shut, a massive bang echoing through the house.

I lean forward, letting my head hit the door and I bash my forehead a few times on the door, cursing the devil that just left.

"Arielle?" I hear a voice.

I'm confused at first, but then I realise that Joe was downstairs the whole time and most definitely heard everything that just happened.

Turning around, I see Joe, his eyes full of concern and worry, and with that, I just run into his arms, sobs finally escaping me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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