Chapter Six

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C H A P T E R | S I X

We stepped out of the uber and I stared up at the house in front of us in awe. It was massive. It didn't even look like a house. It was more like a mansion! It towered over us as if to intimidate me and I had to crane my neck back to even look at the top of it.

The place looked to be at least three stories high. To get to the doorway, which happened to be a beautiful archway painted white, there was a set of brick stairs leading to it. The house itself was painted white with gold details. The window panes were painting gold and through them, I could see flashing lights and the silhouettes of people dancing and mingling. The muffled sound of the music swept through the house into the outside air.

"Holy shit, Casp, look at this place," I said, in awe, my eyes still fixated on the beautiful building in front of me. "Who owns this place?"

"The Maynard's," he simply said, as if it was nothing, and trotted up the stairs to the front door. I quickly followed behind him, not wanting to get left behind, and waited by the door as he knocked.

A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing a lot of people, all dancing with cups in their hands. The music was much louder in there, the house jumped to the beat, literally.

"Caspar! Arielle!" A voice exclaimed over the music as they emerged through the crowd. It was Jack Maynard.

"S'up, dude!" Caspar said, grinning and they both did a handshake thing and Caspar walked in.

"Hey," I just said and gave Jack a quick hug. I knew Jack, I had met him a few times with Caspar, but we weren't that close that I had a handshake with him or that I'd hang with him regularly. If anything, I was more closer to the other Maynard, Conor.

"It's nice to see you, Arielle," he said as he moved out of the way to let me in.

"You too, Jack," I said, giving him a small smile. I walked into the house and I was instantly greeted with the smell of alcohol, sweat and smoke all mixed together. It wasn't a pleasant smell, but I was so used to it that it doesn't bother me.

"Here," I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Jack holding out a red solo cup for me. I happily took it from him and took a sip. The cold beer washed down my throat and I quickly thanked Jack. I started to look around to see if I could see anyone I knew. Most faces were unfamiliar to me but there was the odd one or two that I knew. I went to turn back to Jack to tell him I was going to look around, but he was already gone. I shrugged to myself and walked straight into the massive crowd.


After one too many drinks, I was drunk. Like, very drunk.

The party was still going at full speed. Everyone was jumping to the song, even me. I wasn't much of a dancer but when I'm drunk, I go full out.

At that moment, I was dancing with Oli, Conor and Hanna, one of my close friends. We bounced to the beat and I fist pumped the air upwards. I giggled as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist to stop me from stumbling backward. I turned around in their arms and smirked slightly at who it was.

"Thanks," I managed to get out without slurring my words. My arms subconsciously made their way around the back of his neck and Jack smirked back at me. We started to sway to the music together, forgetting everyone around us.

I won't lie, Jack is an extremely good looking lad. I wouldn't mind doing anything with him. I also won't lie, it's crossed my mind about doing things with him. I was drunk, he was drunk, who knows what it could lead to.

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