Chapter Seven

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C H A P T E R | S E V E N

I groaned as I felt my duvet get ripped off of me. I flipped over so that I was laying on my stomach and shoved my head into my cosy double pillow.

Wait, my pillow? How did I get home?

My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up but groaned again as my head started to pound loudly. I mentally scowled at myself for drinking so much.

Stupid parties and stupid drinking.

I rubbed my head and looked at the end of my bed to see Caspar, grasping my duvet.

"How'd I get home last night?" I asked, wearily and yawned.

"Don't you remember? We got an uber home," he simply replied and shrugged. Something in the way he said that didn't make me believe him but I let it go, too hungover to ask him about it. As long as I got home safe, I didn't care how I got here.

"Almost everything from last night is a blur," I said as I slowly got out of bed. Caspar threw my duvet back onto my bed and followed me as I walked into my ensuite bathroom.

"Really? What do you remember?" He asked, curiously. I looked back at him and raised a brow. He said that as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Not much. I just remember getting to the house and from there it's completely blank in my head," I replied and looked at myself in the mirror. I grimaced as I saw that my hair was a mess and I still had my make up on from the night before. I quickly looked down at myself to see if I was still in my party outfit and turns out I wasn't. Huh, that's weird. I cannot remember changing out of my clothes into my PJs. I simply ignored it as I concluded that I probably changed once I got home.

"Damn, you must've been super fucked last night," Caspar uttered, chortling and walked out of my room, shutting the door behind him and leaving me to myself.

I chuckled, agreeing because I was super fucked. I can't even remember anything! Everything from the night before was just a massive blur in my mind. I really hoped I didn't do anything embarrassing or something I'd regret once I remembered.

Turning my shower on, I quickly striped from my PJs and got in. I sighed, contently, as the warm water splashed my back. I washed my body, happy to get all the dirt off, and whistled a tune to myself. It felt great to be in the shower. I felt fresh.


I had just got back from a lovely walk I took around the park. I had went to get some fresh air and to just get out of the house for a bit. I only intended to be out for around an hour, however by the time I reached the end of the path I was following, it was already 6PM; I left the house at 2:30PM. It looked like I was too engrossed in my stroll, that time wasn't a concept to me anymore.

I hummed a tune to myself as I walked into the living room. That's where I saw a sight I didn't think I'd ever see.

Caspar was there, his arm around a girl's waist. I had never seen this girl in my life. She was beautiful, though. Her long brunette hair waved down her back and her white teeth had that perfect twinkle in it, that you only see in adverts, when she smiled as Caspar mumbled sweet nothings into her ear.

It was sweetly sickening seeing them two giggle in each other's ears. It made my gut churn at the sight but also, made my heart wrench because I missed that feeling. The feeling of having no care in the world because I was with the love of my life.

It made me miss what me and Joe had.

I awkwardly coughed as I pulled my jacket off of me and hung it on the rack. The couple stopped whispering into each other's ears and slightly pulled away, but Caspar was still holding onto her. They both blushed a crimson red when they looked at me.

"Arielle, hey!" Caspar said as he took a hold of the girl's hand and pulled her up. They both came and stood in front of me.

"Hey, Caspar. Hello, is it Kasey? I've been told so much about you," I said, as I stuck my hand out for her to shake. She gave my hand a look over before grabbing my pointer finger with her thumb and pointer finger. She gave it one curt shake and dropped my finger. I rose my eyebrows and gave Caspar a look to say, 'what the actual fuck?', but his attention was all on Kasey. I slowly lowered my hand and look back at Kasey.

"I've heard nothing about you, though," she said with a sarcastic smile. "Who are you?"

"Uh," I managed to say, "I'm Arielle, Caspar's roommate."

"You never told me your roommate was a girl, babykins," I heard Kasey whisper into Caspar's ear. I mentally cringed at the pet name. Babykins? Really? Out of everything she could choose from, she chose that. Yuck.

"Sorry, baby, it must've slipped my mind," Caspar whispered back. I contemplated leaving them to it but Kasey started talking before I could make a decision.

"So, Arielle, are you, like, lesbian or something?" She said as she twirled a strand of hair in her fingers.

"Excuse me?" I asked, gobsmacked. Did she just ask me that?

"I mean, you must be if you're Caspar's roommate and come on, a girl like you has to be gay."

I frowned and looked down at myself. Did I look gay? I mean, I'm not saying it is a bad thing, but did I, a straight girl, look gay? Was it my clothes? Like, I did have a habit of wearing men's clothes but that's only because they are so comfy.

I turned to Caspar to try get him to stick up for me for assuming my sexual orientation but he was too distracted. He was just staring at Kasey with so much love in his eyes. I didn't even think he was listening to us at all.

"No, I'm not gay," I said with a scowl as I turned back to look at Kasey, "and Caspar has been my best mate for years. I think a boy and a girl can be roommates without assuming one must be gay."

"Whoops, my bad I guess," she replied with a sickeningly sweet smile.

That smile didn't look too good.

I quickly gave her a short forced smile and looked at Caspar. His attention was still on Kasey; it was like he forgot I was even there. I scoffed silently and walked away.

Kasey looked like a bitch. Someone to not mess with. Mental reminder - don't get on the wrong side of her.

As for Caspar, I need to have a stern talking to. I can't believe he let some girl, who he hasn't even known for a month, talk to me like that! That's just plain rude.

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