Fan Participation/support

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I think I speak for all of the girls when I say we enjoy getting you guys on stage and letting you play our instruments and sing (if you're brave enough mwahahhaha) and I have to say you guys either put a huge amount of effort into learning our shitty songs or that you're just really good at learning stuff by ear.

We can't thank you enough for the support since we announced that we're gonna be a supporting band (hopefully it's a band you like as well so it s a win win!) and the guesses are literally amazing to read.

I swear one of you wrote:

"I think it might be 1SOS (because they don't deserve 5 seconds of my summer)"

LIKE OMG THAT LITERALLY MADE MY DAY (at 1am and a failed attempt of falling asleep after powering through a season of AHS)

And I still think we don't thank you enough for buying the album and promoting us on social media (shoutout to the tumblr crew making us one of the top 3 talked about bands on the website!)

I know our personalities are pretty strange and extremely unlikable (lol #sorrynotsorry) and we're all huge dorks but you guys always seem to pull through and like most things that we do

I also want to mention that I spent half an hour on the phone to our manager trying to pry out who we're supporting, she told me to fuck off then she hung up...

I'm v proud of our relationship.

~Jess x

(PS: Jacob I know you still know my password so if he randomly starts to post ignore him ;3)

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