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somebody please explain to me why we exist.

Why people say our lives matter when there 7 billion others out there

Why we haven't come into direct contact with other forms outside of earth, it's 2015

Why the existence of our race matters so much

Why we haven't discovered other life out there

Why we haven't proved enough theories to get a society to a better place

Why we're still locking up people when we don't have real evidence against them

Why we just sit back and watch documentaries on TV about stuff that WE can HELP but then rufuse to do something about it

Why children and women are being treated like outsiders by men

Why men think they're any better then women

Why stereotypes separate us from the things we live and who we are as a person

Why love is only found in certain circumstances

Why feelings can't be described in one way

Why we try and change the world to make it a 'better place'

Why humans put themselves against eachother - it's a fucking ball being kicked around a field

Why people still do disgusting things to other beings behind closed doors

Why rape and murder are a thing, is it some sort of sick way to get your feelings out?

This tour is really gonna fuck me up.

Enjoy hearing me rock back and forth in my bunk and/or stopping the bus to just lay on the road for a bit contemplating my life.

~Jess having the beginning of a large existential crisis

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