Pref #19: Your Famous Best Friend

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Your best friend: Hayley Williams

I mean you were bound to become besties some day. Hayley was just so sweet! She's pretty tiny like Patrick and you have a soft spot for tiny people. After hanging out with her on monumentour, you two being the only girls, hit it off! She was your girl talk go to because, let's be honest, Patrick just couldn't get it right. Patrick was pretty glad to see you two hanging out. He saw it as you adapting to his work life and he loved seeing that. It means he could keep you around.


Your Best Friend: Josh Dun

I'll give you a hint. His initials are JD...think you got it? I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. It's Joshua Dun!! When the guys went on tour with Twenty One Pilots and Panic! At The Disco, you tagged along for a few shows. That's how you and Josh got so close! He's amazingly goofy and fun. You two pulled the best pranks and had the best time. Joe was always laughing when he had to pull you away from Josh's evil schemes. He secretly loved how well you were fitting in. It was perfect.


Your best friend: Brendon Urie

Who did you expect tbh and don't say Patrick. You were dating Pete since he signed Panic!, so you were Brendon's mother figure his first night away from home. This eventually turned into pranks and best friend talks. You told him some secrets that you haven't even told Pete yet and went to him with most of your problems. Brendon was always very helpful and understanding. Watching him and Panic! grow and develop as a band and people has been amazing. Pete always loved how you got along with Brendon (even if he's a bit jealous at times).


Your best friend: Chris Evans

Yeah, I didn't stutter. You're friends with the Dorito himself, Chris freaking Evans. So, that one time Andy surprised you with the Captain America and The Winter Soldier, you and Chris have been besties. He's so sweet and funny. Sometimes you two would hang out solo or with Andy or Sebastian. Being friends with Captain America was just straight up awesome, hands down. You will always be grateful to Andy because he's the reason you know Chris. Andy is a fangirl himself, so seeing his girlfriend hanging with Captain America made him jealous- of you!

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