Patrick Imagine: Held Up Pt. 4

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A/N: This was written by thelittlewolf45 . She sent it to me via Google so I just copy and pasted everything she wrote. Enjoy!

Stiff, that was how Patrick Martin Stump felt as he tightened his tie for what seemed like the 100th time that day. The trees flew past in a blur as the car pulled up the the church. It was a sunny day, unlike Patrick's thoughts and feelings. Opening the car door and stepping out, Patrick made his way into the church. The slick brick steps wet from the rain a few days prior. Stepping into the church, he glanced up at the sunlight gleaming through the colorful windows depicting saints. Their colors glowed brighter in the direct beams of sunlight. He pushed these thoughts out of his head and took a seat in one of the pews. The old wood creaked under his weight as he relaxed into it. The casket was sitting up front near the altar. It's dull wood glowed in the sunlight streaming through the windows. No one was speaking, as the priest had stepped up to begin the funeral. Patrick didn't hear any of it, he still couldn't believe she was gone. James sat in a pew closer to the front with the Wentzs. He had stayed with them for the morning. His small frame seemed minuscule compared to his wheelchair. He glanced back at his father sitting in a pew all by himself. His mother's coffin sat up front. He didn't want to go near it. James was in fact afraid to see his mother. He didn't want his last memory of her to be a one of paleness and flowers. He wanted to remember the days before then; the moments before she died. He loved the way her hair bounced around when she walked and the way she smelled when she hugged him.
(Little time skip)
The service was long and boring. James tuned it out and got lost in his own thoughts until it was time to see her. He stayed rooted in spot and watched everyone look at her. He was as his father stepped up to see her and mumbled something to her. He then turned and left the church, leaving James alone with the Wentzs again.
Patrick walked up to the casket. There she was, her gorgeous face now hollow and dull. He faked a smile, for her only. "Hey baby, I-I-I j-just want-ted t-t-to say th-that you were m-my p-picket fence, but n-now you're g-gone an I'll b-be o-okay." Tears spilled from his eyes as he walked out of the church. Guilt ripped through him. He couldn't even stay for her service. Patrick stopped at the sight of the rose bushes. Those were her favorite flower. He continued down the sidewalk to his car. Cranking the car and speeding away from it all. No one had tried to stop him, as they knew he was a wreck. He drove to his house and sat there. His cheeks were wet from tears.

Hey @panic_chemical_boy wrote this bc we were talking and she wanted to so her

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