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- Nicole -

The following morning, I decide to cook breakfast for Harry in hopes that this'll get him out of the sour mood he's been in lately. I'm not sure what he's been thinking about but it's been putting him in a bad mood and I'm not liking it honestly. I just want him to be happy all the time and it upsets me that I can't help him because he won't talk to me about it.

When I park outside of Harry's apartment, I let Darcy know that I've made it safely and tell her to have fun with Natalia before climbing out of my vehicle. I grab the groceries that I just recently purchased and head to the front door, knocking on the door then waiting patiently for him to open it.

After about a five minute wait, I knock again then wait patiently once more. When he doesn't answer the door again, I turn the knob to see that's it's open and just let myself in. I carry the groceries to the kitchen, noticing that Harry isn't in the living room, then put certain things away before going to his bedroom door and knocking. I hear a slight groan come from the other side so I slowly open the door, revealing Harry laid across the bed with one of his hands over his eyes.

"Harry." I whisper, closing the door behind me and walking over to him. "It's time to wake up."

"I have a major headache, Nicole." He replies, whispering as well.

"Why do you have a headache?"

"I may or may not have drank a whole bottle plus some of my favorite drink last night while you were away." He replies, causing me to let out a sigh.

"Why were you drinking?" I inquire. "What've you been thinking about so much that it's caused you to start this drinking shit again?" I wasn't expecting to be so frustrated at this time in the morning but here I am.

"Nothing, nothing." He replies, shaking his head slightly. "Come cuddle with me for a little bit. It'll help my hangover."

"You need a pain reliever first, babe." I remark. "Let me go get that and some water so you can take it then I'll cuddle with you."


I go back out of his bedroom, get him some pain relievers and a glass of water, then head back to his bedroom. He sits up once he hears me so I hand him the medicine and he takes them, downing them with the water that I brought. He sets the glass down on his bedside table then looks up at me, sending me his usual stunning grin.


"This is the only time you'll be taller than me." He notes, chuckling lightly.

"Just for that, I'm not cuddling with you." I reply, pouting my bottom lip and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Please, Nic?" He asks, pouting his lips now. "I'm sorry."

"You're too cute. It isn't fair." I say, running my fingers through his hair as I smile down at him.

"So you'll cuddle with me?" He asks, looking up at me expectantly. I nod so he lays back down and gets comfortable again.

"Do you have anything on underneath those covers, Styles?" I ask out of curiosity as I crawl on the bed beside him.

"Um, I don't remember." He mumbles. "I don't think so cause I'm really comfortable and I'm the most comfortable when I'm naked."

"Oh my gosh." I say after I've laid down beside him. "Put something on then!" I shoo him to get off the bed. He chuckles then begins to get up so I close my eyes and cover my eyes with my hands. I also turn the opposite way so I'm not facing him, just in case he decides to play a trick or something.

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