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Patrick's POV

I woke up, feeling extremely dead. I felt nothing. I couldn't get out of bed. I was physically dead but I could still think. Is this how it feels like to be dead?

Or maybe it's just me, being tired. Depression takes over me physically. I can't move nor do I have any motivation. I end up crying all day or force myself up.

I don't answer any calls, I'm just simply tired. I only get up to go to the bathroom and that's it. I can't risk getting kidney stones or anything. I hate the hospital more.

I sighed and layed there. I stared at the ceiling above me for a good 30 minutes until someone barged in my room so I literally screamed.

My eyesight was bad since I didn't wear my glasses. It was a blur. I wore my glasses and expected some robber which I wasn't afraid of cause might aswell just kill me and I'll be happy.

"Patrick?!" Pete gasped and looked at me. "Yes?" I asked, having a tired tone. I can sleep for so long and wake up just as tired as I was the night before.

"You didnt call me back after 2 days and you didn't come by. I got worried." He says, panting. He probably ran here or something. "Sorry." I murmur. I wasn't in the mood to talk. I was tired. I wanted to sleep.

It was currently freaking 2pm and I'm in my pajamas. I hate life right now. "Don't be sorry. What happened here?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Nothing. He's leaving me for 2 days." I yawn. "Great!" He smiled. "Yeah" I say.

"Are you tired buddy?" He asked me, laughing softly. Oh how that sounded like heaven. I freaking liked Pete. Yeah. I don't even like him I just simply love him. It's been about 2 years since I was crushing on this little shit and he hasn't even noticed.

Maybe he does know but he just doesn't want me to know he knows. It's probably just cause I'm a pathetic loser that can't even get up on his own. He probably thinks I'm a lazy ass that sits around everywhere and gets tired after going up a flight of stairs.

"No I'm not." I smile fakely. "Cmon 'Trick. Don't lie to me. I've been your best friend for years, I know when you're putting on a smile or a fake one." He simply says. I mentally cussed. "If you're tired I'll stay here til you wake up later, that's really fine." He smiled widely. "Sounds pretty creepy." I joked while rubbing my eyes. He laughed happily as I smiled at his laugh.

I felt annoying for not treating him properly. Fuck this. I hate this. I hate this feeling I get when I talk to Pete. It's all tingly at first and then goes straight to 'Oh shit I'm being rude'

I feel boring too. I can't ever make conversations for fucks sake im so lame. "Yeah anyway, Brendon says hey." He says. I nod, "How is he?" I asked. "Hes great." Pete says while sitting crossed legged on my bed next to my legs as I moved over slightly so he could sit down. He looked at me, "You haven't touched anything right?" He asked, referring to sharp things and basically things that are harmful.

I shook my head and he smiled, "good boy." He laughed. "I actually missed you. I haven't seen you in about a week." He says. I smiled. "It felt like a billion years" I laughed. Pete nodded. "Longer than a billion." He says.

We talked for hours and hours. I smiled a lot. I  was happy. I felt way better than before. I loved how Pete always made me feel better. It felt good. I wanted to be like him but sadly I cant. I loved it. And I love Pete.

Its almost 2am and I wrote this lol look how much it sucKS

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