Chapter 15: Reconcile

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"Liv..." she didn't look at him, she knew if she looked at him she would break. "Please just let me explain." she pleaded. She felt him pull her gently by the arm inside. "What are you doing here!" he said harshly. Liv flinched visibly, of course she's heard the harshness in his voice the first time. But this time it wasn't some silly fight.

"I-I'm sorry I-I'll go." she stuttered, she wiped a lone tear that made its way down her cheek. She turned to leave when she head Bernie. "Olivia, it's late, stay." Liv pulled herself together "No it's okay. I was just leaving." She laughed lightly. If Bernie was as stubborn as Elliot she knew the next thing out of her mouth.

"Don't be silly dear, you can stay in the guest room with Elliot. I heard the news, i'm so happy! I knew you'd be with him. I never liked Kathy." Liv laughed mentally in her head. "I insist. I don't want you to drive in the dark." Liv nodded "Thank you." she made her way to the guest room past Elliot.

She didn't change or anything, she laid down. She turned and looked out the window. She could remember countless nights where she would be in bed after a night with Elliot, his arm would be around her waist and he'd be snoring quietly. She would be awake looking at the moon. This time she wasn't alone, she didn't have his arm around her, he wasn't sleeping next to her. Nothing.

Elliot had slowly made his way to the bedroom, his mom had already gone back to her bed. After locking up he walked in, from the doorway he could see Liv. He back to the door facing the window. He didn't know why he was that harsh, it just came out. He saw her flinch and that broke his heart. He sighed, he had already changed into his normal nighttime attire, his boxers and no shirt.

He slowly slid in next to her, he kept his distance. He knew she wasn't sleeping, he could tell by the way she was breathing. He would wake up at night and just hold her close while she slept. He'd pick out everything perfect about her, from her eyes, all the way to her little birth mark on her leg. She never knew he did that, he would catch her snore lightly and he'd laugh quietly, she'd always said she didn't snore.

Before he knew it he had his arms around her, he felt her tense up. He quickly let go and cursed to himself. He felt her take his arm back and put it back. He hesitated a little "Elliot we need to talk." "I know." "But not now. Can you please just hold me." He wrapped his arms around her tighter. He felt her body relax and mold into him.

Liv smiled a little, it felt right with his arms around her. But not under the circumstances, she sighed a little. Tomorrow she would talk to him, not tonight. She was too tired to argue. She felt the baby kick, she rubbed her stomach, she held Elliot's hand and placed it right where the baby kicked. The baby kicked again, she felt Elliot move his hand quickly, she giggled.

"The baby kicked, that was all." she reassured him. He smiled and placed his hand back. He rubbed her stomach gently, she loved how gentle he was being. She changed her mind, she needed to talk to him tonight. She sat up, moving his hand. "Can we talk now?" He nodded, he sat up and created distance between them. She looked between the distance, she couldn't look at him.

"That night when you woke up, I went to dinner with someone yes. But it wasn't a date. Also I didn't kiss him, I wouldn't have. Then when I saw the ring I was confused, then I went to the hospital and you weren't there. Then I knew that you were the one who left it there and you saw us kissing." She took a few breaths. "I went back home and th-then all your stuff was gone! It was like you never lived there. Every part of your existence ever there gone!" She sobbed.

"You didn't answer my texts and calls, you asked for weeks off! It's like there was never an Elliot Stabler." her body started to shake from crying to hard. She felt him wrap his arms around her, she cried more. He rubbed her back "Shhh Liv, baby take some breaths." he whispered. She slowly took long breaths, she mentally smiled, he called her baby. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him, a desperate kiss.

She knew if he pulled away then they were over, if he didn't then they were okay. She felt him start to pull away, she let go and teared up more. "I-I'm sorry I'll go." She went to get up but he pulled her back. "No, I don't want you to go." he whispered. Liv looked at him, she gave him a small smile and laid back. She hesitantly laid her head on his chest, her hand resting on his stomach.

She felt him wrap his arm around her pulling her closer. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding "Are we okay?" she whispered. "Yeah, Liv. We're okay." He kissed her head. She smiled and looked up at him "Yes." she simply stated. He looked at her confused, then realization hit him. He knew what she was saying yes to. "Really?" "Yes really!" She kissed him.

"I want to be Mrs.Elliot Stabler." He smiled, and put his hand on her cheek "Mrs.Stabler, Olivia Stabler....has a nice ring to it." he kissed her gently. "Speaking of ring." She got up and grabbed her purse, she pulled out the velvet box and gave it to him. He smiled, he got down on one knee

"Olivia Marie Benson, I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. You are my world. You are the most perfect woman, you have a smile that can light up a whole room, a laugh that is music to everyone's ears, a sweet caring side that everyone loves, especially me. A badass side that everyone knows not to mess with. You are a lady of everything. I want to be able to wake up to your beautiful face every morning, and fall asleep with you being the last thing I see. I want to start a family with you, I want to be with you til we both are gray haired and old. I want to be with you til the day I die. Partners for better or worse. Will you do the honors of making me the happiest man alive and marrying me?"

From the second sentence she had already started to cry. Here on one knee was the love of her life. The man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life. The man she needed. The man she was going to marry. "Yes, i'll marry you!" she kissed him.

He put the ring on her and stated into her captivating brown eyes. "I love you." he said never looking away from her eyes. "I love you too." She smiled. They were finally together. Not just as Benson & Stabler. As Elliot & Olivia.

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