Chapter 4 - He May Just Have an Ego the Size of China

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I walk slowly to my fourth hour, having a not so fabulous day. I've been looking forward to this hour all day so I can see Jake again, but for some reason it just doesn't seem to help my mood. My house was full of all this argument and problems about how Cody needs to go home and how he doesn't belong in the family anymore. I have my reasons for not liking him, but banishing him from the family because of it? I don't understand what they're on to.

What made it worse was how Casey showed up to join in the argument. And what did they fight about? Almost anything you could possibly think of. Jace and Casey were ripping Cody's throat out while he bellowed things to them about how people make mistakes and they need to move on. He yelled at Jace for being such a pain in the butt all the time and eventually it led to me, just like it always does.

Being the youngest often isn't the best position in the world.

I didn't listen to them after that. I just went in my room and cried myself to sleep over my anger-driven family. My mom and even my dad came and tried to break them up, but two adults verses one adult and two teenagers just doesn't work out in the end. The teens and Cody won, which was a little ironic that they teamed up against my parents because they wanted to fight more.

I approach the classroom and stop outside of it before I enter it. I don't see Jake in there yet so I enter slowly, frowning when I see Kasen sitting in his seat. My mom must have talked to his mom about their misbehaving; he never was on time to class unless his mom made threats toward him.

"Hey, Sam," Kasen says as I slowly take my seat in front of him.

"Kasen," I frown, not turning to face him.

"Aw, are you missing Jace?" he wonders. "Maybe making out with me could change that."

"Please," I scoff, shaking my head quickly, "making out with you would be one of the last things I would do to feel better. And no, I don't miss Jace."

"Hey, is that you, Sam?" I hear that sexy voice ask from behind me. I turn and see Jake waving at me and I wave back, feeling a spark of excitement pulse in my veins.

"Hi," I wave back, watching him as he walks up to the teacher to find out where he's supposed to sit. Mr. Lemchy looks surprised to see him and welcomes him with a pat on the back and a nice little bro punch.

Some teachers...they just don't know when to stop acting like kids.

"Who in this horrible world was that?" Kasen gasps from behind me as I notice some glares daggering my way from the cheerleaders. Jealous much?

"The new kid?" I wonder, playing dumb.

"Yes, the new kid. Who else would I be talking about?"

"I dunno."

"Who is he?" Kasen demands. "If you don't tell me, I'll drag your little butt off to the detention room and we'll have a little chat with your brother."

"Well, I don't think that's a good idea, seen as how Jace is already in detention one too many days. The new kid is just a friend I made when I was out with some friends yesterday."

"You really expect me to buy that story?" Kasen growls. "Bull. Crap."

"Ugh, fine, I guess I'll tell you," I sigh dramatically. I watch him as he leans in a little closer as if I'm telling him my deepest darkest secret. At the same time, Mr. Lemchy stands up to start class and I can't help but grin a little to myself. Perfect.

"I made out with him yesterday," I whisper, flipping around to face the teacher before he called out my name for not paying attention to him. I can swear I hear Kasen's jaw pop as it falls with the gravity and I grin even wider. I can tell he is not liking that at all.

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