Chapter 24 - One Man Down, Four to Go...

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We drive viciously until we get the the Young residence. I am so excited to see Sam. It's been too long since I've seen her.

Casey parks a little bit away from the building so we look a little less obvious and we get out, walking toward the building. Nobody seems to be watching, but we never know what is going to happen, so we must keep our eyes open at all times.

“Remember our plan,” Casey reminds us. “I will call the cops and you guys need to go find Sam. Easy as that.”

“We remember,” I say, looking ahead. Our journey is going to be rough, but once we get the cops here, it should be fine. “I honestly think we should make this a lot more dramatic then just saving Sam. Once the cops get here, we should really do something. We need to make a scene so getting him in prison will be easier.”

“Just don't get shot again, okay?” Casey says. “I really don't feel like running you to the hospital again. Oh, and don't forget to go all Jace on him. I assume you have all your things.”

“Alright and yep,” I nod. Casey nods back and starts walking toward the side of the house towards an open window upstairs and Collin follows me toward the back. We are probably going to have to get through using a window, but it will be alright. I've gotten into windows before easily.

Sure enough, Cody has a man whom we recognize as Calvin in the back. No way do I want to pick a battle with him, though I sure would love to rip his head off for what he did to Sam. I just don't want to get anyone's attention until Casey has the cops on their way.

“That window,” I say, pointing down toward a sliding window in a window well. It was kind of far down, but if we got through, it would be just fine.

“We're going through there?” he asks, sounding disgusted. He's becoming more womanly by the minute...

“Yes, now man up and follow me,” I say, removing the metal covering. I jump down in, feeling the humidity, but I try to keep my mind toward our destination. Pushing the window back, it opens easily. It surprises me a little bit because of how damp it is down there, but I am grateful. I let Collin slip through first and I follow, making sure it gets closed behind us. The room is dark where we entered, so I use my phone as a flashlight to guide us through.

“It smells like pot in here,” Collin gags, holding his nose. “This is disgusting.”

“Shhh,” I say, putting my finger to my lips. He nods and keeps his nose covered while we look for the door. It feels like we're going through some kind of maze, but after a little bit, it eventually shows up. When we find it, I open it just a crack to see what's ahead. I see only a hall, so I gesture for Collin to follow me and we carefully enter in the hallway away from the drugs. As gross as it smelled in there, we would benefit from knowing where the drugs were.

We carefully continue down the hall and I put my phone away when it's light enough to see. I don't even want to know where they put Sam. It is so dark and damp down here. I hope this is a part of the house they just don't use much besides Cody and his business. Yuck.

“I hear voices,” Collin whispers as we continue slowly down the hallway. I stop to listen and I kind of hear it, too.

“Who do you think that is?” I ask him.

“It honestly sounds like Samantha to me, but I could just be hallucinating,” Collin replies. “That pot is pretty potent. I'm probably high now.”

“That's comforting,” I say, inching forward a little more. We carefully open the door that is between us and the voices and I peek through.

There she is.

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