Chapter 23 - To Be a McFarland is to Have Bad Behavior

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“Honey, what level of pain are you at?” the nurse asks me, pushing her old timer glasses up her nose. Shouldn't she have retired like twenty years ago?

“Like a one,” I reply, looking at the ceiling with boredom. I literally am going to die if I spend another night here. I am still in quite a bit of pain, but nothing is more painful than being stuck here while Sam is being tortured by the devil himself.

“Alright, we are going to increase your morphine dosage to assure you a pain-free recovery. I'll be right back.”

“You look tired,” I say, stopping her. “Maybe you should go have a cup of coffee or something. Why don't you have Natasha do it? She could use the experience.”

“Well, I am a bit tired,” she nods, agreeing with me. “And Natasha does need the experience.”

“Exactly. Have her do it,” I say. “Go relieve yourself.”

“Well, thank you, dear,” she says, almost looking flattered. She turns to leave and I roll my eyes, disgusted with her. Thank heaven I convinced her easily. Natasha is young and very naïve. Not only that, but she will be a whole lot easier to convince to let me go then it will be for the grandma.

I wait for a few minutes, looking at the I. V. I could probably get that out by myself, unless I can convince her to do it. Someone with looks like me can get anywhere with women. It's just too easy.

“How are we today, sweetie?” Natasha asks, walking it. Her short figure comes in and closes the door behind her before she comes to face me. She really is kind of pretty, which is good, but she wouldn't be my top pick. Her blonde hair is messy and she wears it in a sloppy ponytail. She has a pretty face, but her overall appearance just isn't my type.

“I am doing amazing,” I say.

“Is that so?” she asks, giving me a confused look. “Then why am I increasing your morphine dosage? That makes no sense.”

“I don't know, but it would be great if a pretty girl like you could let me out of this awful place. What do you say?”

“Oh, shucks,” she says, a blush forming on her face. “That's sweet of you. Thank you.”

“Not a problem. I'm just stating facts, beautiful,” I say, smiling seductively at her. She blushes more and picks up her notebook.

“What can I do for you, Jace McFarland?” she asks, smiling like crazy at me. I wonder how girls can be so gullible. It is way too easy to get them twitterpated.

“Well, it's a lot to ask.” I say, acting shy about it. Really I'm ecstatic. I'm one step closer to freedom.

“Hit me up,” she says, trying to look like she isn't completely flattered. I try not to snicker as I watch her play cool.

“I want to make a deal with you,” I say, giving her my seductive eyebrow waggle.

“And what is that?”

“I want to take you on a date, a really nice one at that, but I need you to let me out of here. Please, babe?”

“I don't know about that, Jace McFarland,” she states, almost like she's trying to show that she has authority over me. Ugh.

“Please, beautiful?” I beg. She has to let me out. This is an emergency. “My sister really needs me and I will take you on the nicest date you've ever been on. I really need this. Please? It would mean the world to me. You would be my hero.”

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