Chapter 11 - Since When Are They Friends?

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Sometimes I love Jace to pieces and other times I really would just like to take a crowbar to his face. Today is definitely one of the days I'd like to take the crowbar to his face.

"Sammy," he says after school. He's acting incredibly weird and it's bugging me. He wasn't this enthusiastic even on the way to school this morning. Am I missing something?

"Ugh, what," I sigh, turning around to face the big booger. I hitch my backpack up on my shoulders as he grins crazily at me.

"I love you," he smiles and throws his arm around my shoulder, walking out to the car very perkily. He needs to stop accepting drinks from Calvin before he gets diabetes. I swear Calvin spikes them or maybe even drugs them. Either way, Jace is really incredibly off the wall right now.

All I can do is give him a really weird and concerned look. Oh. My. Gosh.

"What, you don't love me back? That hurts, Sammy Sue, that really hurts," he says, gripping his chest as if I'd stabbed a knife in it. Maybe I should put him out of his misery.

"Duh I do," I growl. "Stop being so annoying."

"I'm just being truthful, pretty girl," he says. I try to shrug his arm off my shoulders but his strength and persistence is unbeatable.

"I didn't know the truth was so obnoxious," I say, folding my arms across my chest in frustration. He really just needs to go.

"What is wrong with you, Sam? You are never this grouchy and I'm even being nice to you right now. You've never been this grouchy even when I was being a...jerk."

"Don't worry about it," I say. I can't tell anyone or Cody will hurt me and this time I fear it will admit me to the hospital. He's so bad.

"Sam, don't give me that. You need to tell me who hurt you or who made you upset and I swear I will rip them to shreds. I will make sure they regret living."

"Revenge isn't the answer, Jace," I say. I really don't want to see Jace in prison for killing Cody.

"Yeah? Well at least let me guess who it is."

"What if it isn't anyone? What if I'm just having a bad week?"

"Something had to have caused this. I've been with you your whole life, I know you even better than anyone else in the world including Mom and Dad, and I know for a fact that this is not how you normally act. Now if you don't fess up, I'm going to figure it out the hard way and I'm going to start stalking you and not letting you be alone ever until you tell me who is making you this way."

My stomach drops and I have to try my hardest not to act shocked. He doesn't even know what kind of force he's up against. It's him and his strength versus Cody and his drugs.

"I have nothing to hide, Jace, okay?" I lie as smoothly as I can.

"Don't you lie to me, Sam. You're a terrible liar," he says before taking his arm off me so he can open the car door for me. "Now, I need you to answer me one question and I'll stop bothering you about it for right now."

"Fine, whatever," I say, clearly frustrated. I'm so sick of being in the middle of the tug-a-war. "Go for it."

"Was it Young?" he asks before he quickly runs around the car to jump in the driver's seat. I sit there for a minute in shock a teeny bit. So he must know that Jake and I have a thing going. This sucks.


"Um, no? Why would he ever hurt me? He's a really nice guy, Jace, and I wish you could see that in him."

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