Chapter 12 - It's Not Easy Being the Middle Woman

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“Jace, this is totally unnecessary and a little awkward, if you ask me,” Sam pouts as I drop her off at her first class.

“Sorry, but your protection is my number one priority, so until then, have a fun first hour and I'll see you in an hour,” I grin, waving to my little sister as she sulks into her classroom. Yesterday's events have me a little on edge, and I know I'm overreacting by doing this to her, but I can't handle seeing her hurt like she was over the weekend. I need to come up with a plan to get Cody as far away from this town as I can, but until then, I'm keeping her in my sight as much as possible.

I walk quickly to my forensics psychology class so I can make it there just a smidgen before the bell rings. Paying attention in class is going to be extremely difficult today as my mind is buzzing with ideas and anxieties. Heck, I haven't even texted Tiana since like yesterday night. She probably feels forgotten, which is exactly what I don't want.

Curse Cody and his messed up life for messing up mine.

I survive my first three hours but only barely. When the bell rings, I rush out to meet up with my bros. Sam is safe in the hands of Young so I need to have a very deep meeting with my group, the ones who put trouble to the definition it has.

“Look who finally showed,” Kasen snorts as I jog over to the bleachers we hang out on. “It's been a while, pretty boy.”

“Knock it off, Kasen, I'm not in the mood for this,” I roll my eyes and fling my backpack to the side of the bleachers. “What's new? Anything?”

“Well, first of all, apparently I'm not the only one who fancies your sister,” Kasen leans in and whispers in my ear. “Calvin has been hiding that from you for a while, I guess.”

I stop. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, but that's just minor detail.”

“Minor detail? It's bad enough keeping one of you off her, but two? That's just asking for trouble.”

“Don't worry, Jace, I'm not going to do anything to her. I realized this weekend how much you really actually care for her and I'm going to back off now, but Calvin doesn't know what going on, so restraining him is going to be quite a bit harder.”

“It's okay, Sam has a boyfriend anyway,” I say, biting my lip. I still have a little bit of a thing against Jake, but I know he makes her happy, so I have to just let it go. I don't want to cause the poor girl anymore grief than she already has.

“Oh, so they're official now?” Kasen asks, making a face.

“Pretty much, yep,” I shudder.

“Calvin is going to throw a fit. Oh well. At least he has people like Victoria to help him get through it,” Kasen says, looking over at where Calvin is heavily making out with a girl.

“Again? Oh my heck, will she ever learn?”

“Doubt it.”

“Her loss,” I shrug.


“Yeah. Alright, bro, we need to figure out what we're going to do about my brother, but I just don't know what we could do to get rid of him.”

“Well, first thing is first, we need to spy on him a lot and find out what he's really up to because if Sam says he's drug dealing, chances are he's really actually dealing out drugs.”

“True, yes, but how should we do it? I can't just do that while acting casual.”

“Jace, you're the bad boy of freaking Oakland High School. Put your brain together.”

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