Chapter 27 - Maybe Male Nurses Get to See Hot Girls, Too

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Three weeks later.

“Ms. McFarland, would you like anything to eat or drink? We have chicken fingers and mashed potatoes as the special for today.”

“Do you have a Dr. Pepper?” I ask, shuffling around uncomfortably in my hospital bed.

“Honey, caffeine isn't good for your system,” the nurse says, looking very sympathetic.

“How about some chicken fingers without the potatoes, some fruit, and maybe some root beer?”

“What kind of fruit?”

“Strawberries would be amazing. Also, is there any pudding?”

“Yes, there is. Would you care for some?”

“Vanilla would be amazing,” I smile, playing with my hospital gown. The nurse nods contently and exits the room. I sigh and look around at the room I've been stuck in for the past three weeks, grateful that I'd not been awake for any of it. I woke up last night from a coma and I'm already dying to get out of this place. My leg is all wrapped up due to a compound fracture, my body is covered in bandages from the many traumatic events I went throug at the Young's, and I am hooked to an I.V. They decided not to inform Jace that I was awake until I was stable, but knowing him, he's been living in the hospital for the past three weeks.

The door opens a few minutes later and I see the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time. Jace and Casey walk in looking very exhausted, but I can see happiness plastered on Casey's face. I shoot them a smile and notice that they both have scabs all over their bodies. I didn't realize how much of a blow we'd each gotten from that horrible event.

“Sam, oh my gosh, you're alive,” Casey says, the first to speak after a very long silence. “We thought you were dead.”

“Nah,” I say, trying to lighten the mood. “I wasn't about to leave you two here to have fun without me.”

Casey grins, but Jace looks completely emotionless. I can't even read his expression like I normally can. I can't tell what he's feeling and it's bugging the heck out of me. He knows me better than anyone and vice versa. If I can't tell what he's thinking, who can?

“What's new?” I ask, raising my head from off the pillow. Casey comes in further and sits on the couch while Jace just stands in the doorway, continuing to stare at me.

Seriously, what is his problem?

“I don't think you really want to know,” Casey says, playing with her bracelet. “Things have gotten pretty ugly. Where should I start?”

“How's Jake?” I ask, my heart squeezing a little inside my chest. Had he passed on?

“As in Jacob Young?” Casey asks.

“Yeah, like my ex-boyfriend,” I say, nodding.

“He's actually in better condition than you are,” she shrugs. “He was in the same condition as you when they rescued you two, but thankfully he didn't go into a coma. He had some troubles with punctured lungs, so he's still in the hospital, but other than that he is okay. He also dislocated his left arm, but that's nothing that would keep you in the hospital.”

“So he's okay?”

“Yes, he's going to be just fine,” Casey confirms. “We didn't think so when they were pulling you guys out from underneath that crap. You looked dead.”

“I could hear everything,” I tell her.

“Wait, what?”

“Yeah, I don't understand how, but I could hear everything that was going on.”

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