Chapter 10 - They Don't Call Him the Bad Boy for Nothing

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Tiana is so darling, I can barely stand it. The way she dances around me makes me feel alive and free. Her personality is nothing like anybody would ever expect and I know for a fact that she's going to last longer than the others.

It's getting to be ten o'clock and my mind bounces to my little sister. I worry about her way more than is necessary but right now I'm getting a bad feeling. If she isn't home by now, I should go look for her like the responsible brother I am. At least I care more about her than our parents seem to. It's absolutely pathetic.

“Titi, baby,” I say, cupping her soft cheeks in my hands. “It's time I get home.”

“Aw, why the rush, babe?” she asks, not even protesting to my demand. I am quite shocked, I'm not going to lie.

“I feel like I need to be home,” I say. “If you'd like to stay here, tell me, because I'll find you another ride but I need to go right now, okay?”

“I'll come with you,” she says, smiling. I take her hand and lead her out of the house, scrunching up my nose the whole way out. “What's bothering you?”

“I don't know if Sam is home or not,” I say. “She hasn't called or texted and I'm getting worried.”

“Oh, in that case, we should get you home right away,” she says. “Actually, I think I'll find another ride just so you can hurry as fast as you can to get home.”

I pause, beaming. “Tiana, baby, you're the best girlfriend I've had in a long time. Come give me a kiss. I'll make this up to you, I swear.”

She runs to me and throws her arms around me before our lips come smashing down on each other. Electricity runs through my body as she kisses me with passion and I run my hands down her arms before we give a final peck. She sits there for a minute and grins before hugging me.

“Text me, okay?”

“You know I will. Bye, gorgeous.”

“Goodbye, Jace!”

I run away from Tiana and from George's house to my car. I'm grateful I didn't get any drinks this time so I can hurry home without any problems. I have this feeling in my gut that I shouldn't have gone to the party in the first place, but I could just be a worry wart. Until I see to it that Sam is home, I'm not going to get rid of this feeling.

When I pull in our driveway after about a five minute drive, I notice that once again Mom and Dad aren't here. I'm sick of them being workaholics. It's destroying our family. The thought makes me angry and I slam the door on the way to the front door. I'm way to anxious to take time to close things “nicely”, as Mom used to tell me. I plunge the key into the door, crank that sucker to the left, and open it in a hurry. When I get inside, most of the lights are surprisingly on and Cody is watching television. When he sees I'm home, he quickly flips it off. Knowing him, he's probably watching something with pornography involved.

“Why'd you flip that off as soon as I walked in?” I demand. “You scared I'd get your sorry butt kicked out of the house?”

“Oh, quit being such a girl and ordering me around,” he mumbles. Wow, what a genius insult.

“Is Sam home yet?” I ask, ignoring his comment. If he lies to me, I'm going to rip his head off.

“Yeah, she's been home since around five o'clock,” Cody says. I raise my eyebrows and take a step closer.


“She's probably up in her room,” he says. “Why are you asking me? Do you really think I care?”

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