Chapter 6 - You Can't Judge a Book by its Cover

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"Samantha?" Jace calls as I stay curled up in a ball on my bed, angry. I am still upset about what happened between Jace and Jake and I really don't want to find out what they mean by who's going to be the biggest and baddest bad boy of Oakland High. Why can't they just get along and be friends?

"What do you want?" I call, burying my face in my blanket. I don't want to deal with him, let alone see him, so I'm hoping my snappy response will lead him away

"Are you in here?" he asks, turning the knob on the door slightly.

"What does it sound like?" I snap, being a little bit of a jerk. "Duh, I'm in here. I'm calling out to you from inside. Where else would I be, in Iceland?"

"Can I come in?" he asks, ignoring my sassy remarks. I bite my tongue and just ignore him, turning to lay on my stomach across my bed. I bury my head into my arms as I hear the door creak open and Jace's footsteps sounding. It isn't long before half my bed gets weighed down and he places a hand on my arm.

"Are you okay, Sammy?" he wonders, peeking over me to see my face, but I just bury it deeper into the pillow.

"What does it look like, I mean honestly?" I say in annoyance. "Don't be stupid."

"Whoa, calm yourself down, sis," Jace slows me down, trying to get me to look up at him, but I refuse like the stubborn McFarland that I am. "Tell me what's wrong before you start calling me names."

"What's the deal with Jake?" I growl. "Why can't you just accept him? Who cares if he takes your title? Why does it really mean that much to you? Why-"

"Whoa, one question at a time," Jace interrupts, scooting further on my bed so his thigh is against my back. "Are you basically asking me why I don't like Young?"

"Yes, that's what I'm wondering because it really bothers me that you would throw someone out of your party like that, especially a guy that I was having fun dancing with. Are you really that much a fun killer to not let me enjoy myself a little at a party that I was forced to go to? I was having a crap time until he showed up."

"Young is a dangerous guy, Sam. Me and the guys have done some research on the matter through a friend of Collin's that went to the same high school as Young used to go to and he was a bad influence, constantly breaking girl's hearts and causing all kinds of mischief. I don't want you getting hurt."

"You are the biggest hypocrite alive," I say to him, frowning. "I can't even stand you right now."

"Ouch, that's going to leave a mark," he mocks being hurt, which makes me even more angry at him.

"You need to mind your own business and leave me alone. Getting my heart broken is all part of the process. Now scram, little pimp," I push him away, which I can tell actually does hurt him a little.

"I am minding my business," he says slowly. "You are my business."

"Just because we're practically twins doesn't mean that you can control my life. Let me date who I want to date and let me be who I want to be."

"Look, Sam. I love you and all, but you're taking this way too far," he says back. "I have to make sure you don't ever get hurt again."

"No you don't, because I've never been hurt," I disagree as he heads back toward the door. He tugs it open and turns to me, neither smiling nor frowning.

"There's a lot of things you don't know, Sam," he says before he slams the door. I start feeling more and more angry at the boy. What is he even talking about?

I stay up most the night and think about what he means by this. In fact, I think about it all weekend, confused and a little bit bothered. I keep trying to ask Jace what he means, but he just blows me off. It just doesn't make any sense.

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