Chapter 7 - Sensitive

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When we took the elevator we tried to avoid as many people as possible from the car to my apartment. Once we got to my door I quickly unlocked it and let him inside before some of my neighbors would be able to get outside and see us. I knew for sure that they would recognize him thanks to his books, and right at the moment I couldn't remember if I had told them about Alexis being his biological daughter.

"So, this is where you live?" mr Castle asked when I turned around towards him.

He wasn't facing me though, he was looking around the living room area you walked right into from the door.

"Yeah, I know it's nothing fancy but it works and Alexis doesn't seem to mind. Plus it's the only place I can afford with my salary" the last thing I only muttered.

I really wanted to give Alexis something better but with the money I earned there was no way I could possibly give her anything as fancy as her famous writer to father. I gave him a tour around the house, skipping my own bedroom though, and the last room I showed him was Alexis'. I knew he would probably compare all of this to what he had himself, what Alexis had back at his place but I tried to not think too much about it. I couldn't compare my income to his, he was a famous writer and there was no way I could compete with him economically.

"Let me guess" he started and I got afraid he was going to criticize something, "Alexis chose the bed cover?" he asked with a chuckle.

At first I was confused by his statement but when I followed his eyes on the bed cover I couldn't help but chuckle myself.

"Yeah, she was pretty persuasive" I said looking at the minion figures on the cover.

"She gets that from me" mr Castle said as he turned his head to wink at me.

Before he managed to turn away again I could see the pain in his eyes though. I didn't think anyone else could see it but that pain seemed to be there constantly. At least it had been there this whole time I had talked to him tonight.

"Is she eating like she should?" he asked carefully and I had to think before I understood what he was asking.

"Yes, she was a little shy in the beginning and I don't really think she ate much wherever she was before here but now she's eating like a horse" I said chuckling a little.

He chuckled with me before he got quiet and went to her bed. I was about to ask him what was wrong but that's when I saw him pick up Monkey Bonkey, Alexis' favorite stuffed animal she always had around when she was sleeping. Even though he was turned away from me I could sense the tears that ran down his cheeks. I couldn't imagine how hard it must be for him, not to be able to hold his little girl and tell her how beautiful the world could be. I jumped when my phone started ringing and I excused myself when I saw it was Esposito calling.

"Beckett" I answered, not leaving the room since I didn't want to leave the man alone to do anything stupid.

I didn't trust him yet, wasn't sure I could.

"Yo chica, we got a hold of an old boyfriend. He told us she was already pregnant when they met but that they had been together anyway planning on telling the baby it was his. When the baby was born something happened and somehow the baby got adopted without our victim's approval and once the mistake was noticed it was already too late, someone kidnapped her kid, that's why we couldn't find any record of her having one at first. Anyway the kid must be three years old according to the old boyfriend. Their relationship ended soon after the baby disappeared, she had told him she couldn't stand the pain of loosing her child when they'd had a whole future planned together" Esposito informed me of what they had gotten in the case so far.

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